HELP!? please
HELP!? please
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Custom Workstationhi. im kind of new to this and would like it if u guys could give me any advice or anything. like help me understand the lingo, or where to get good stuff like paints or find loose figures. I look up to a lot of u guys and hope to be just as good someday. this website is the best by the way.
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Military on eBay
I am 38 and live in UK.
I can't get testors paints, so have to use Games Workshop ones.
About to start my new projects:
Northstar and Aurora ( ML Psylocke and HML Banshee with Capt marvel head)
Old school Magneto (ML Magneto and DCUC Orion)
I just need to stop that DAMNED paint rub!!
Oh, here's a tip that I have been given:
Boil and pop: heat the figure's joints with a hair dryer or in very hot water for a while to soften the plastic and allow you to seperate the joint without it breaking.
Sand down any moving edges! Where the plastic touches other places in moving joints, it is best to sand those edges to minimise paint rub (the sole reason I have abandoned LOTS of projects!!!).
I am also going to start sealing my paints around the edges by painting on superglue!!!
Wow Im Old !
I personally am 26.
ff=fantastic four
xmc=xmen clasics
I started a couple years ago, this is thebest place to get started, I havent posted anything just cuz I don't got camera accesess, welcome, comrade, freind, brother, don't worry, I dsay wierd stuff all the time
LCBH= Legendary Comic Boolk Heroes
TMNT= Teanage Mutant Ninja Turtles
IM is Iron Man
There is also a feature for PM, or Private Messaging. So if anyone says they'll PM you, it just means they are going to message you
lol im in my mid 30s
But Fodders Here Are Parts Or Loose Figure Items .
If Anyone else would like to elaborate on This Please Do !
Most Figure names or toy series are Abreviated Like Loard Of the Rings = LOTR
Starwars =SW
& So On .
dcsh=dc super heroes
dcuc=dc univerise classics
ms=marvel select
moc=mint on card
ba= black arachnis
trq=the real question
bp=black panther
sd=savage dragon
thats all I know im not very useful but atleast I helped
Lingo wise -
ML Is Short For Marvel Legends
HML Is Short For Hasbro Marvel Legends
BAF = Build A Figure
Thats Some Of them I'll Let Others Contribute
Paints You Can Get Them At Hobby shops Craft stores & Walmarts . Also This Site Has Some Of the Best Turtorals anywhere so they should help you out a lot I still refere to them sometimes.
But welcome to the figure realm .