HELP!? please
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HELP!? please

Posted in Custom Workstation

hi. im kind of new to this and would like it if u guys could give me any advice or anything. like help me understand the lingo, or where to get good stuff like paints or find loose figures. I look up to a lot of u guys and hope to be just as good someday. this website is the best by the way.

Posted by grayson919
on Monday, July 20, 2009
User Comments
scarlet_magpie -
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I keep starting them, then something happens!!!
I am 38 and live in UK.

I can't get testors paints, so have to use Games Workshop ones.

About to start my new projects:

Northstar and Aurora ( ML Psylocke and HML Banshee with Capt marvel head)
Old school Magneto (ML Magneto and DCUC Orion)

I just need to stop that DAMNED paint rub!!

Oh, here's a tip that I have been given:

Boil and pop: heat the figure's joints with a hair dryer or in very hot water for a while to soften the plastic and allow you to seperate the joint without it breaking.
Sand down any moving edges! Where the plastic touches other places in moving joints, it is best to sand those edges to minimise paint rub (the sole reason I have abandoned LOTS of projects!!!).

I am also going to start sealing my paints around the edges by painting on superglue!!!
novat -
Friday, July 24, 2009
I've been doing this for a couple of years. I have yet to post anything yet though, but I will soon.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I started customizing ayear or so ago, I hardly ever buy a fig anymore lest I customize it, though the only mu fig is the stealth im, anyone near prosser wa?
pock63 -
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I wish one of my freinds or familey members would start custimizing because I am hard up to find anyone to consult about my customs(other than you realmers).
Goldenwolf -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Im 28 yrs old & I Been doing this more over the last 4 years I did some customs when I was like 11 - 12 years old The first custom was A Toybiz "Shattered star" I removed his pony tail & Added A "Robin Hood prince of theives" bow painted silver then painted him to look like " Shaft " from The Youngbloods ( since they where Created By Rob Leifeld) I thought they would be perfect . I Saw My 4 year old Nephew Playing W/ It When I Went Back Home to Visit It Looked Alright not Great But Ok For A 17 year old custom the paint was a little worn so I Bought some & touched it up but he liked it so thats all that mattered . I Also Made A Solar man of the atom from A toybiz Xmen Cyclops ( the old blue & white X- factor suit one) bolth painted W/ testors paint .
Wow Im Old !
BurchCustoms -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I was probably around 10. my brother who is 29 started really early. probably about 6 or 7. just started with nail polish and markers, but it was a start.
pock63 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How old were you when you started custimizing?
BurchCustoms -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I have seen members as young as 10 and as old as 40. we may have younger and older, but not that I know of. it seems though that the bulk of the users are between 15 and 25.

I personally am 26.
pock63 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm 13 nearly 14 I started custimizing when I was 11.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
doc=dr nightmare
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
yami= yamivash = full of crap.
HeartBreakKid -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Im actually in LA and if anyone ever says epically good customizer its short for yamivash 0
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
smc=spiderman classics
ff=fantastic four
xmc=xmen clasics
I started a couple years ago, this is thebest place to get started, I havent posted anything just cuz I don't got camera accesess, welcome, comrade, freind, brother, don't worry, I dsay wierd stuff all the time
Darththomas -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oh yeah, TRU = toys r us, I'm 27 by the way and live nowhere near LA, well about an 8 hour plane flight, in Manchester, England
grayson919 -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
thank you to all of you. whats the average age of everyone here if u don't mind me asking. and do any of u live near los angeles?
pock63 -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Welcome to the realm here are a cuple wich were over loocked.
LCBH= Legendary Comic Boolk Heroes
TMNT= Teanage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Darththomas -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I can only think of one that's not been mentioned and that's GW paints meaning games workshop paints
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
TF is Transformers
IM is Iron Man

There is also a feature for PM, or Private Messaging. So if anyone says they'll PM you, it just means they are going to message you
duke420 -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
thank you. good luck to you as well. how old are you?

lol im in my mid 30s
Goldenwolf -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
No Problem Bro! This Site Helped me A lot Getting Started So I Gotta Hook Others Up If I Can!
grayson919 -
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
thank you golden wolf. I really appreciate u taking your time to help me.
Goldenwolf -
Monday, July 20, 2009
here's another Loose Figures that are missing parts or salvaged pieces Are commonly refered to as Fodder ( Im Not Sure where this came from But this is the actual definition = In agriculture, fodder or animal feed is any foodstuff that is used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs. Most animal feed is from plants but some is of animal origin. "Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves (see forage). It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes.

But Fodders Here Are Parts Or Loose Figure Items .
If Anyone else would like to elaborate on This Please Do !

Most Figure names or toy series are Abreviated Like Loard Of the Rings = LOTR
Starwars =SW
& So On .
The Real Question -
Monday, July 20, 2009
don't worry dude anythin u didn't know ull know soon by the helpful people of on to the lingo ok golden wolf said som ill giv ya som mor...

dcsh=dc super heroes
dcuc=dc univerise classics
ms=marvel select
moc=mint on card
ba= black arachnis
trq=the real question
bp=black panther
sd=savage dragon

thats all I know im not very useful but atleast I helped
grayson919 -
Monday, July 20, 2009
thank you. good luck to you as well. how old are you?
duke420 -
Monday, July 20, 2009
im brand new also and have already started 5 figs. im taking wip pics so ill post when complete, good luck
Goldenwolf -
Monday, July 20, 2009
Welcome To the Realm!
Lingo wise -
ML Is Short For Marvel Legends
HML Is Short For Hasbro Marvel Legends
BAF = Build A Figure
Thats Some Of them I'll Let Others Contribute

Paints You Can Get Them At Hobby shops Craft stores & Walmarts . Also This Site Has Some Of the Best Turtorals anywhere so they should help you out a lot I still refere to them sometimes.
But welcome to the figure realm .
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