MOC Gold Iron Man

MOC Gold Iron Man
Posted in
Action Figure Chatterhey
I stopped with the destroyer
I turned down the offer
but someone requested to trade a loose golaith for my MOC Gold Iron Man
should I do it?

Please wait...
Posted by
coolca on Wednesday, March 19, 2008
User Comments
Sci Fi on eBay
and shipping the MOC iron man will be costly
besides he already offered $25
If you get Goliath, I will give you 25 dollars for him.
I traded Gold FA Iron man for a loose Captain marvel!!!!!
make it $30 and you got yourself a Golaith
but of course only you can choose your destiny
If you get Goliath, I will give you 25 dollars for him.
I traded Gold FA Iron man for a loose Captain marvel!!!!!
any help?
which is worth more:
Mojo series MOC Gold Iron Man or loose Golaith?
I mean price wise
resale value
I stopped with the destroyer
I turned down the offer
but someone requested to trade a loose golaith for my MOC Gold Iron Man
should I do it?
It's okay, but meh, I still sold it :P
like most collectible stuff it's only worth what people will pay for it.