white paint
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white paint

Posted in Custom Workstation

im having trouble paint white and making it look even. 1st I was the figure, then gray or white primer. but it still doesn't look good. any tips would be awesome. thanks

Posted by king xorn
on Friday, October 5, 2012
User Comments
Green Skin -
Sunday, October 7, 2012
You could try using a spray. I can't paint white very well using the brush so whenever I need to do a big area in white I always tape it off and just spray it on. Makes it easier and always look good.
Darththomas -
Sunday, October 7, 2012
What Shapp said, but it depends on the brand of paint you're using. I tend to find Games workshop white doesn't need diluting as it's quite watery already, just needs a couple of layers.
shapp -
Friday, October 5, 2012
I hate white lol or yellow. Best I've seen is dilute and mutliple layers
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