painting capes "white"
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painting capes "white"

Posted in Custom Workstation

Start with white wash and build the white up? the cape is red now. Thoughts and tips I might if missed? It's been washed and dried.

Posted by crea-torX
on Thursday, January 24, 2013
User Comments
SirMWK -
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Thin even coats, sir.
crea-torX -
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Cool! thats good enough for me...thanks!
SirMWK -
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Anyone else used latex paint on bendable figure parts? Sounds like a great idea, but never used it on any customs before. Feedback people.

SirMWK, do you have pics of what you have done using latex paint?

Nah man not off hand. I may have some stored on my other computer somewhere but not on this one. A few years ago, I painted a fake head for a guy who runs a haunted house with latex paint and it was rubbery plastic so I'd say it would work on capes.
crea-torX -
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Anyone else used latex paint on bendable figure parts? Sounds like a great idea, but never used it on any customs before. Feedback people.

SirMWK, do you have pics of what you have done using latex paint?
SirMWK -
Friday, February 1, 2013
Or instead of risking a brush, you could get some white latex paint and use that.
pock63 -
Friday, January 25, 2013
Really? Hey, thanks! What ratio? 60/40?

Just experimant and see what works for you(also be sure to wash your brush and not let the mixture dry in or it WILL ruin your brush!!!)
crea-torX -
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Really? Hey, thanks! What ratio? 60/40?
pock63 -
Thursday, January 24, 2013
I suggest mixing your paint with white glue, it's already white and it will help your paint be much more bendable and not chip off!
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