Stan Winston School/Videos and a Hello

Stan Winston School/Videos and a Hello
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Custom WorkstationI guess being my first post I will introduce myself. My name is Ricky and I am from the North East USA. I am currently disabled and coming out of two plus years of being sick. I am happy to be feeling better and hope to get back into it. I love Ventriloquist dolls and life size silicone figure busts, I hope to combine the two very soon. I was working on a few things but most got sold or trashed including hardware, as I was not interested in anything for those dark days. I do have to say that recently I purchased a couple of videos from the Stan Winston School. One is very long 6 plus hours of hyper realism silicone painting and other was on making fake teeth. Well there was a mess up with the order than the delivery. They were top notch and took care of me above and beyond.
PS I was not sure where to post this as it does have to deal with custom painting, and I don`t think there is a welcome thread? If so feel free to move it.

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Posted by
Rickee on Sunday, May 31, 2015
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