N: HML Nick Fury Arms and coat
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N: HML Nick Fury Arms and coat

Posted in Trading Post


If anyone has a ML Mystique head and / or an xmen 3 jeans grey's hair and/or HML Nick Fury Arms (or coat) pieces for trade, please let me know.

I'm happy to trade or paypal for these items.


UPDATE: I have the Mystique head / X3 Jean Grey hair pending in a trade.

I'm still looking for HML Nick Fury's arm though. If you have a pair for sale or trade (or the whole figure with coat), let me know.

Posted by Briightcore Toys
on Saturday, July 18, 2009
User Comments
Briightcore Toys -
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I'd suggest signing up for a free imageshack.com account. That, or another similar hosting service is what most people around here use. Is the issue with you not being allowed to post [ img ] style links in your posts?

If so, it's probably due to a lack of posts on your part - if you go and comment on a bunch of customs in the gallery, they count toward your min. posting limit. Soon, the system will all you to post image links to your hearts content. I think the limit is in place to prevent spammers from posting/bogging down the F.R. boards.

LMK when you have your trade list up. Hopefully we can make a deal.

Matt-Man -
Saturday, July 18, 2009
PM sent
Darththomas -
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I'm looking for a sword that would fit a 9 inch wrestler if you have such a thing, I've been trying to get a tradeslist up but it won't let me post pictures of what I have, I'm gonna contact cap. coder to see if it can be sorted soon
Briightcore Toys -
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sure, but I'd be mailing via surfacemail. Shipping from Canada to other countries is expensive to begin with, and overseas is that much more.

Was there any items you had in mind from my trade list?

Also, if you have a list I could check out, perhaps we could work out something larger than a 1-for-1 swap.

Darththomas -
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I've got the X3 Jean grey hair if you're interested in trading with England
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