DCUC Booster Gold
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DCUC Booster Gold

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

Which of the Booster Gold Figures from the Atom Smasher wave is the variant?...I'm getting mixxed information...I currently have the version w/out a collar NIB and would love to trade it for the the collared version complete w/ C&C piece and Skeet...A little help?...PM if you wanna trade...

on Monday, March 16, 2009
User Comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I have both and plan on keeping the collared one for my collection though it looks as though Skeets does not open like with the non-collared version...still not sure which is variant...
HeartBreakKid -
Thursday, March 19, 2009
did you ever figure out which is the variant caus I can get the non colored one cheap but would prefer the collared version
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Found a collared version finally...
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