Have/Want List: HUGE ++ UPDATE! LOTS ADDED! Gundam!Sept.5th!
Posted in
Trading PostWants:
Priority wants!
Sota Ibuki
Sota Gen
darth maul figures in the star wars scale from the torso up.
Neca Guile Head and hands
Neca Akuma head
Abe Sapian : hellboy movie figure(s)
Toynami naruto toys
secondary wants:
XMC stealth Wolvi
ninja strike wolvi head and figure and accessories
HOM Wolverian hand, feet, weapons and sheaths with weapons( individually or altogether)
Savage dragon or just upper body. And in the least the head.
Modern iron man ( or just right arm and head)
Mcfarlane Metal gear solid cyber ninja ( or just Alt heads sword and Alt gun arm.)
G.I. Joe 30th anniversary pursuit of cobra vamp mk II OR. Just the Gatling gun attachment.
Sigma Six Lt. Stone ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Dark ninja Master ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Fire Fly [Cobra Version] (all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Heavy Duty ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Adventure Team Snake eye: pyramid of Paril ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Snake eyes Paratrooper ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Flint ( all accessories preferable)
sigma Six winter snake eyes with timebr ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Long range ( all accessories preferable)
Regular wants
DotM: optimus prime voyager class
DotM: megatron voyager class
DotM:shockwave voyager class
DotM: skyhammer
ANY Sigma 6 figs and weapons
Sigma Six Commando ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Desert Wolf ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Gung-ho ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Hi-tech ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Hi tech Weapons expert ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Leather Neck ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Lock Down ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Ninja Flame Kamakura ( all accessories preferable)
sigma Six Recondo ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Red ninja ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Torpedo ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Lt. boulder ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Tunnel Rat ( all accessories preferable)
Sigma Six Camo Long Range ( all accessories preferable)
sigma Strike Duke ( all accessories preferable)
any iron man parts
especially HOM iron man parts.
Also moon knight bodies
Toybiz PITT
Legendary comic book heros: Savage Dragon
Gambit ML series 4
ML Cable series 6 or face off pack.
ML Bishop
ML Face off ironman/manderian
MLface off Wolvi/sabertooth
ML face off Punisher/jigsaw
ML face off cap/redskull
ML face off War Machine/Mandarin
ML series 5 sabertooth
ML cap America series 8 (ult cap)
hulk buster iron man
doc oc figs
ML War Machine
ML Ult Iron Man
ML Ult War Machine
Spiderman Series 16 Venom
ML union Jack
ML two pack Wolvi/forge
ML deadpool/warpath ( both color sets)
ML thomas jane punisher
Ghost rider figs. (either ML or Ghost rider movie I.E. Scarecrow, Nick cage) and the bikes
Ult wolverine (blob series)
Ml series 5 colossus
ML series 6 wolverine
X3 Juggernaut (blob series)
ML series 6 Juggernaut
ML series 6 cable
ML hood
ML nuke
Mecha hulk
Gears of WAR COG body parts and weapons.
Any ML doom figures
Below is a link to my photo using key page to see the expanded view
Since no matter how much resize crop ect something Is being cut out of these posts
So until I can fix it please go here for full pics:NOTE! The monav the gails ARE GONE! hence why they
Are no longer up here.
As far as prices, I don't have any yet. I would prefer trades, but just ask. I put these up cause some super polite folks have been waiting for them!? till then!
gundams All of these are unopened, please contact for prices. (this listing of gundams is the only thing I would prefer money for)
gundams All were opened and resealed but the ZZ unicorn and the titan
gundams all were opened and re packaged
gundam all were opened and re packaged
This is a retrocast venom
Star wars bad guys
NOTE: Any Darth Maul stuff is tentatively on hold.
Star wars good guys
ECW Figs
Kiss Toy
Man Spider NOTE: I am thinking of keeping the base. it is un opened as of now. and I have not removed it yet. may not for the right trade)
Batman of history line
Zorro batman , Night Wing
Azriel, and some wired future bat man?
American Civil War Bat man
Some Robin NOT form the Bat men of history line
Lego Darth maul and his ship from THE PHANTOM MENACE
I AM pretty sure its ALL here if someone REALLY wants me to check I might be willing to re build it as its not completely apart
FULL cans of Air brush propellent. also that toy gun is the robo cop gun...I got it like a million years ago...it makes an annoying tin sound.
Please note: the transparent master chief is a high ticket item. It was a give away item in
Some odd customer appreciation thing. It came in a cardboard box , with nothin but what is pictured.
The legs are from a trade wig a realm member but, I didn't realize they the upper part of the leg ( not the ball
Joint , but the thigh is glued in place. Also they are both right legs. Didn't realize that even thought after the fact I
Re-read the email and it was stated. I was just excited about the stuff in was getting.
japanes mecha cop figs
icons size boat and venom base ( pending)
Movie maniacs and zero
star wars figs
more star wars figs
star wars weapons
doku and 300th fett!
1990's snowspeeder still works!
star wars jango assortment
Avp 1990's ,clown queen alien
perfect fix
full armor fix
Fazz Fix

Please wait...
I get back to things :] yes you are right in all respects about the cyber cops...
They have all their weapons as well. I think the only thing I didn't picture is the black and whight ones back pack
Rockets blade laser thingy? Hit menwhen you get that list up dood!