some stuff for trade
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some stuff for trade

Posted in Trading Post

Custom Neca TMNT figs - each comes with their original weapons. They are painted to resemble the cartoon versions

Custom Slash - handcrafted from the toes up. Custom shoulder pads and claws, toenails, skull buckle and spiked shell.

Inhumanoids Tendril - near mint condition. Both mandibles intact, no missing tendrils, huger figure -

PM me if interested. thanks

Posted by Majinite
on Wednesday, July 21, 2010
User Comments
MouthOfMadness -
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Is the Tendrill Still in your hand?
Aesthetikz -
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Those turtles are awesome!
What kind of trade are you looking for on them?
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