Purity's B/S/T List! Last Updated
Posted in
Trading PostHey!
Here's my list of things I want and have. PM me or comment if you want anything or if you have what I'm looking for. I also have a bunch of stuff in my collection. If you're looking for anything in particular or have anything you want to get rid of, tell me and I might trade, buy, or sell it to you. Will buy & trade wants and I'll sell and trade haves.
Great Realmers I've Traded With
terryzom +2 trades
RandyJordan +1 trade
HulkSmashedMe=( +1 trade
Galactape +1 trade
Bad_Guy_Robot +1 trade
deathbymexico +1 trade
Spoon +1 trade
triggerrick +1 buy
On Facebook
Bryan Peacock +1 sale
Joe Alcorn +1 buy
Ivan Zenteno +1 trade
Colby Hopper +1 buy
On MU Collector Club
Lord Marvel +1 buy
On Micechat
CoheteBoy +1 buy
Black and Red Capes, Sword and Top Right Two Figures in Fodder picture
Halo Olive EOD
One of the Dinoco Lightning Mcqueens
12" Scale Nunchuks
TRU Sonic the Werehog
Marvel Legends Series 4 X-Force Wolverine
Beast Boy
Mr. Fantastic head
Halo 12 inch Master Chief
If you're interested in buying, please make me an offer! Also, keep in mind that if you'd like to trade, but don't have anything on my wants list, send me a list of what you've got and we might be able to work something out! Lastly, as a general rule, if you have little to no feedback, I ask that you send your end first. It's nothing personal, I've simply been scammed enough and am tired of it.
VHP= Very High/Highest Priority item
HP= High Priority item
LP= Lower Priority item
I might want something on you have. Send me your list if you see something you're interested in.
Ratchet & Clank
Nearly All Figures. Mostly any figures of Ratchet and Clank. Tell me which figures you have and I'll tell you if I want them. VHP
D-Arts Blastoise HP
D-Arts Venusaur HP
Pokemon cards, packs, tins, or booster boxes.
Plush life-sized Bulbasaur VHP
POKEMON ZUKAN FIGURES (I'm interested in a bunch of different ones, so if you have any, let me know which and I'll tell you whether or not I'm interested)
G1 Punch/Counterpunch VHP
G1 Sixshot
Generations Drift
Generations Blurr
Vector Prime
Generations Warpath
Alternity Ultra Magnus
Various Masterpieces (lemme know what you have)
I actually started collecting TF's in 2008 (I grew up with them, but my other interests as a kid sidetracked my interest in them), so I don't know all of them and am still finding ones that are cool. Also, there are many more I have to add to the list, so let me know what you have and we'll see what we can do!
Star Wars Black Series 6"
Series 5 Sandtrooper LP
Scout with Speeder HP
Jabba the Hutt HP
Stormtroopers HP
Sentinel Armorize Iron Man Highest Priority Marvel figure!
Figma Full Spec Mark VII Iron Man VHP
ML Toybiz
BAF Sentinel(Looking for the right arm, and the left leg. Also seeking a complete sentinel BAF). VHP
Series 10 Black Panther (only if its sentinel piece included please) VHP
Series 10 Spiderman (only if its sentinel piece included please) VHP
Icons Iron Man repulsor blast effects
ML Hasbro
SDCC Marvel Legends X-Force 3 Pack VHP
ROML Series 4 Archangel Variant(X Force) HP
MLI Hydra Soldier LP
Juggernaut LP
Venom(newest one) HP
18" Spiderman 2 Figure HP
DC Direct
Arkham Asylum Series 1 Joker VHP
Arkham Asylum Series 1 Batman HP
Wings of Redemption Spawn VHP
Series 9 Manga Spawn Repaint HP
Collector's Club Spawn 3 Repaint HP
Image 10th anniversary Spawn
Spawn IV
Gears of War
2008 Sdcc Exclusive Anthony Carmine VHP
Dom Santiago LP
Anya(chase) VHP
Joyride Halo CE Gold Elite HP
Joyride Halo CE White Master Chief
Joyride Halo 2 Red Spartan
Joyride Halo 2 Blue Spartan with Blue flag
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 1 Steel Spartan CQB right shoulder piece
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 1 White Spartan Mark VI
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 3 Red Spartan Hayabusa right shoulder piece
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 5 Cyan Spartan Scout
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 7 Flight Elite
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 7 Tartarus
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 8 Marine VHP
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 8 Black Mark IV VHP
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 8 Arbiter Ripa Moramee VHP
McFarlane Halo 3 Series 8 White Spartan EOD
McFarlane Anniversary Series 2 Halo 2 White Spartan HP
McFarlane Halo Anniversary Master Chief Evolution 3 Pack
McFarlane Halo Anniversary Fearless Leaders 3 pack
McFarlane Halo Anniversary Rookie with Drop Pod
McFarlane Halo Reach Jorge
McFarlane Halo Reach Brute Chieftan
McFarlane Halo Reach Invasion 2 pack VHP
McFarlane Halo Reach Team Objectives pack VHP
McFarlane Halo 3 ODST (from either Series 2 or Anniversayr Series 1)
McFarlane Halo 4 Sniper Rifle VHP
Marvel Series 5 TRU Exclusive Silver Surfer and Swordsman HP
Marvel Series 19 Archangel and Apocalypse(Variant Archangel) VHP
Marvel Series 28 Deadpool and Wolverine VHP
Marvel Wave 14 Iron Man and Rhino HP
Marvel Previews Exclusive US Agent and Taskmaster HP
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Posted by
Purity on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - Updated on Thursday, October 5, 2017
Is this entire list your wants, and we just need to tell you what we're looking for?
I can't distinguish between what your wants, and what you've listed that you'll trade with.
Thank you terryzom for the sentinel arm!