What if Marvel Civil war happened in DC?
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What if Marvel Civil war happened in DC?

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What sides you think DC chars would take?
I don't follow up DC comics, the one I know better is BatMan, I think he would be against, he thinks he's the only one who needs to know everything and he can't relly on others to do things right so he would either take the role of Iron Man, or Captain America.
What you dudes (and dudets) think?

Posted by MrGore
on Saturday, February 6, 2010
User Comments
somebody1 -
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
And in a way Kingdom come was a take off of watchmen when it came with the way the world began to view those with superpowers and it popped up again in the DC universe with the Justice Lords.
Green Skin -
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Again, you got it backwards. Kingdom Come was released 10 years before Civil War.

no, he got it right. He's saying Civil War was a rip off of Kingdom Come. Not the other way around.
BurningDoom -
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Again, you got it backwards. Kingdom Come was released 10 years before Civil War.
Therapist -
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
somebody1 -
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Actually the Kingdom Come minseries in DC was kinda like the civil war to a point.
MrGore -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
...But how is it a rip-off if it's in the same universe/company!?!? Oh this is so confuzing!
well since they keep killing and briging back chars all the time they constantly rip off eachother and themselfes.
Whiskeytango -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
different creative teams I guess
Sunday, February 7, 2010
...But how is it a rip-off if it's in the same universe/company!?!? Oh this is so confuzing!
Whiskeytango -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
haha! It was a nice try

Superman dying and the battle of the Supermen happening was a rip off of Batman getting basically killed and the people battling for the cowl

or was it the other way around...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Punisher dying and coming back to life is like Superman dying and coming back to life....yes? ...No? Well....I tried....
Whiskeytango -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
... and batman dying with Dick Grayson taking over the cowl is a rip off of Captain America dying and Bucky taking over the mask.

this really isn't that fun.
Green Skin -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
...and Blackest Night is a rip off of Marvel Zombies.
CplHicks -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Deadpool is ripped off from deathstroke

Weeeee this is fun!!!!
Punstarr -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
You got it backwards. Marvel swipes DC's ideas all the time. I mean come on, it's obvious:

-Everyone that knows the history of the Silver Age knows that the Fantastic Four was created specifically as an attempt to compete with DC's runaway success Justice League of America; despite most people's comparisons with The Avengers. Which the Avengers themselves were a copy of the JLA.

-Moon Knight is a poor man's Batman.

-Sentry is a Superman rip-off.

-Quicksilver is a Flash rip-off.

-Quasar is a Green Lantern rip-off.

-Angel/Archangel is a Hawkman rip-off.

-Ant-Man is a wannabe Atom.

-Bucky owes his existance to Robin.

-The New Warriors are just Marvel's version of The New Teen Titans.

-Civil War was a copy of DC's Legends event.

-Dark Reign is a copy of Lex Luthor's term as President.

-Secret Invasion is a rehashed version of DC's Millenium crossover.


And Aquaman is a Namor ripoff. What's your point?
Green Skin -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
You got it backwards. Marvel swipes DC's ideas all the time. I mean come on, it's obvious:

-Everyone that knows the history of the Silver Age knows that the Fantastic Four was created specifically as an attempt to compete with DC's runaway success Justice League of America; despite most people's comparisons with The Avengers. Which the Avengers themselves were a copy of the JLA.

-Moon Knight is a poor man's Batman.

-Sentry is a Superman rip-off.

-Quicksilver is a Flash rip-off.

-Quasar is a Green Lantern rip-off.

-Angel/Archangel is a Hawkman rip-off.

-Ant-Man is a wannabe Atom.

-Bucky owes his existance to Robin.

-The New Warriors are just Marvel's version of The New Teen Titans.

-Civil War was a copy of DC's Legends event.

-Dark Reign is a copy of Lex Luthor's term as President.

-Secret Invasion is a rehashed version of DC's Millenium crossover.


They are both guilty of ripping each other off. Deathstroke for example is a Captain America rip off. The Legends event was similar but I wouldn't call Civil War a rip off or anything. The one item on your list I don't agree with is Quasar being the GL rip off, that's obviously Nova.
Whiskeytango -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
You got it backwards. Marvel swipes DC's ideas all the time. I mean come on, it's obvious:

-Everyone that knows the history of the Silver Age knows that the Fantastic Four was created specifically as an attempt to compete with DC's runaway success Justice League of America; despite most people's comparisons with The Avengers. Which the Avengers themselves were a copy of the JLA.

-Moon Knight is a poor man's Batman.

-Sentry is a Superman rip-off.

-Quicksilver is a Flash rip-off.

-Quasar is a Green Lantern rip-off.

-Angel/Archangel is a Hawkman rip-off.

-Ant-Man is a wannabe Atom.

-Bucky owes his existance to Robin.

-The New Warriors are just Marvel's version of The New Teen Titans.

-Civil War was a copy of DC's Legends event.

-Dark Reign is a copy of Lex Luthor's term as President.

-Secret Invasion is a rehashed version of DC's Millenium crossover.


While I agree about many DC characters having their specific powers first, thats where the similarities end with most of those characters you named. In fact, I generally find Marvel characters to have much more engaging personalities and story lines. That might just be personal bias though, I've just never been a huge DC fan.
MrGore -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I don't follow DC so I'm probably wrong.
BurningDoom -
Sunday, February 7, 2010
You got it backwards. Marvel swipes DC's ideas all the time. I mean come on, it's obvious:

-Everyone that knows the history of the Silver Age knows that the Fantastic Four was created specifically as an attempt to compete with DC's runaway success Justice League of America; despite most people's comparisons with The Avengers. Which the Avengers themselves were a copy of the JLA.

-Moon Knight is a poor man's Batman.

-Sentry is a Superman rip-off.

-Quicksilver is a Flash rip-off.

-Quasar is a Green Lantern rip-off.

-Angel/Archangel is a Hawkman rip-off.

-Ant-Man is a wannabe Atom.

-Bucky owes his existance to Robin.

-The New Warriors are just Marvel's version of The New Teen Titans.

-Civil War was a copy of DC's Legends event.

-Dark Reign is a copy of Lex Luthor's term as President.

-Secret Invasion is a rehashed version of DC's Millenium crossover.

MrGore -
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Makes sense, if you think like this Cap was a soldier, he was most likelly to follow the govenment, it was a surprise when he rebelled, personally I think the Ultimate version of Cap wouldn't rebel
Iron was a playboy, he used to be a rebel, was unexpected to see him sober up and taking a role that demands so much responsability

in DC we must also expect the unexpected
Whiskeytango -
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Well... close to the same thing happened in the alternate future of the dark knight returns, and it was pretty much the opposite of what you said green. Superman was on the government side and batman was the outlaw.
Green Skin -
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I don't know about that, Batman may take the role of Ironman considering he's the same guy that made plans to take out every other member of the JLA in case they went rogue. I could see Supes in Cap's role, mainly because it's the opposite of what you'd expect and Registration could endanger family and loved ones. I could see each side getting a few GL's. Flash would probably play Spidermans part. Would be interesting though. Give them a few years and I'm sure we'll see the equivalent of Marvel's Civil War.
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