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How come no animals get zombiefied in these zombie movies? Resident Evil is the only movie where I saw animals outside of humans become zombies. Anyone know any other movies where animals get zombiefied in a zombie flick? And Pet Sematary does not count. Thanks.

Posted by swarkya
on Friday, July 1, 2011
User Comments
Cosmic Fantasy Customs -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I like all of the ideas, but from what I remember any time there is an outbreak of something animals sense it and run. I know eventually they might get cornered, but I still think they would just escape until they could get caught, by a new age (non slow zombie). So I guess in the end animals are smarter than us, we see our friend all bloodied, brains/intestines out and having a strange look in their eye and we want to know are you ok? If you see that just call a doctor/fema and get your zombie apocalyspe kit.
Patraw -
Monday, July 25, 2011
I agree that the infection of individuals via zombified tissue/blood is extremely inconsistant. Like, in the RE novels, I remember they'd talk about how you have to be very careful not to touch any zombie fluids, or get any on you, but then they'll get into a fight with a bunch of them and get splattered with gore and not even care, other than being disgusted.
Goldenwolf -
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Wait as for movies wasent there a scene where a zombie ate a mouse in the original George A. romero
"Night of the living dead "
But as for zombie animals they never show how they get infected but that can go hand in hand with why dosent the heroes who bash a zombie and blood splashes all over them like in there eyes or in their mouths don't get infected it's a blood born pathogen right so if a zombie bites you then you turn. But that's my idea about it .
Patraw -
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 has zombie animals in the zoo scenario--elephants, lions, and a gator if I remember right.

And the Cerebus dog zombies are present in many of the RE games.

Dracoliches (zombie dragons), zombie/skeleton dogs, and similar undead animal creatures are also pretty common in various RPGs.
joey1212 -
Thursday, July 7, 2011
maybe in some cases the film is set in a location where you would not find many animals to begin with or the film picks up at a point after the outbreak where the logical thing to think would be all the animals have been eaten by zombies,plus with animals it would be hard to just bite them, the zombies would just eat them right there, there just my ideas
Darththomas -
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Not a film but in Red dead redemption: Undead nightmare all the animals are zombified.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tell that to Ricks horse.

RIP Ricks Horse

cogmandino -
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Okay, prior to seeing this post, I never wondered why there are no zombie animals... =)) It's fun learning new things )
Therapist -
Friday, July 1, 2011
Tell that to Ricks horse.

RIP Ricks Horse
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Zombie Survival Guide explains it pretty well, basically animals won't eat anything that's rotted (zombies) and zombies just aren't interested in animals. Or maybe they are...I don't remember I haven't read the book in awhile. Great read though, I definitely recommend it.
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