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so did anyone see the tralier??

I saw it and im willing too see the movie what about you???

IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET Don't READ BELOW SPOLIER ALRET ABOUT THE TRALIER(thats new spolier alret about a tralier)

so were here give our thouts about it I myslef am happy it isnt a hollywood movie so im pretty stoked cuz well its gonna an ok not good but ok movie...

and well thers some wtf moments I saw in tralier:

1.like jin not looking very japense,john foo is half chineese and brit so bummer for jin...
2.kazuya has goatte it looks pretty badass but its not very accurate to the appernce of the charcter yet it compensates for losing his signeture hairduo and and evil eye.
3.steve does not have his awsome sginiture hair but thats ok he still looks british and badass.
4.christe is jins love interest???
5.hehachi doesn't have his bold spot anymore idk I just like the fact that they diched his werid hair.

Posted by The Real Question
on Tuesday, January 19, 2010
User Comments
Goldenwolf -
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I Have It Posted In The New Movie tread Page 4 Or 5 .
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