Zach Snyder Making Live-Action Heavy Metal Movie!!!
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Zach Snyder Making Live-Action Heavy Metal Movie!!!

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I can't freaking wait!!! I love Heavy Metal!!! I even liked Heavy Metal 2000 that everyone else seemed to hate on.


Posted by BurningDoom
on Monday, April 20, 2009
User Comments
somebody1 -
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
lol. Everyone is a victim of something. Some people just seem to react badly and go nuts and some are just aholes from the start (you see that in Highschool all the time lol). If anything you'd think Batman himself would be bad guy for what he's been through but Bob Kane (using the morals of the time) made him into someone who controls the darkness that grew inside from the tragedy. If you made batman now they'd turn him into a Punisher ripoff.
Maelstrom -
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Because we live in the new age of "Political Correctness" and what is right is never wrong and what is wrong is always right. Everything is bassackwards these days...

But enough of that, (I was about to get on my soapbox)...

I have no problem with any of Raimi's Spiderman flicks, they were very entertaining to me (in spite of the tragic victim/villains).

I rather enjoyed the pure evilness of Heath Ledger's Joker in "The Dark Knight"...but many people I know just thought it was too...well...DARK!?!?

Guess what? There really are EVIL people in the real world, there really are A-HOLES!...there really are VILLAINS that have not themselves been victimized! You see them every day, all they need to do is screw up, screw other people's lives up (or end them), be defiant about the whole affair...and the media will beat a path to their door. The next thing you know, they have a best-selling novel and a movie deal. And here's the spoiler-they are portayed as a tragic victim of society! And Society just eats it all up!

...Oops, I stumbled back onto my soap box. Luckily, I only gave you my abbreviated-summarized-reader's digest-as-politically-correct-as-I-can-possibly-be version.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You aren't speaking of the Spider-Man series, are you? I absolutely LOVED the 1st 2. And while the 3rd one wasn't nearly as good as the other two, it wasn't a stinker by any means.

Spider-man 3 was one of the biggest mistakes of my life...I was soooooooooo close to walking home 45 minutes from a drive in...the night only got worse as it was a comic book crap fest double feature in which Goast Rder was the second film...I can't stand how Raimi made all his villians victims of circumstance...what ever happened to just being an a-hole ?...
BurningDoom -
Saturday, April 25, 2009
You aren't speaking of the Spider-Man series, are you? I absolutely LOVED the 1st 2. And while the 3rd one wasn't nearly as good as the other two, it wasn't a stinker by any means.

somebody1 -
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sam raimi could be interesting but I'd rather he make another Evil Dead movie. He needs to make up for the last few of his big films that were stinkers.
Maelstrom -
Friday, April 24, 2009
My curiosity is piqued!...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I would rather see the newer animated one that keeps getting nixxed...names attached have been Steve Niles, Sam Raimi, David Fincher amoung others...
somebody1 -
Monday, April 20, 2009
I liked heavy metal 2000 but I liked the original comic better. I'm skeptical about some of these live action movies coming out. This and Green Lantern could end badly. The last Superman was a stinker too, the novel showed how much they cut out (like most movies the good stuff gets cut) and was a big disapointment.
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