pics sideways when uploaded?!?
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pics sideways when uploaded?!?

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hey fellow ninjas I have been having A lot of trouble loading my customs on here, every photo matches every single guideline for submitting(I checked) yet every photo I try to upload is sideways, anyone else have this happen? and if so would the people in charge of this site fix that when they approve the submission?I haven't been able to upload anything in months ,any help would be greatly appreciated!thanks

Posted by dbocustoms
on Wednesday, December 18, 2013
User Comments
Captain Coder -
Thursday, December 19, 2013
I don't have an answer either. Do a google search for something like "my pictures are sideways with xxx", with xxx being your camera model or whatever you are using for your pictures. Some cameras have a feature called something like auto-rotate. Try turning that on or off and see if it helps.

Only other thing I would suggest is trying rotating the picture in graphics software, even if it's just to rotate it and then rotate it back, then save it as a JPG. After you do that, then upload it and see if it is still sideways.
Darththomas -
Thursday, December 19, 2013
I've no idea why this would be happening but I'll ask Cap about it. In the meantime, if you just submit them sideways we can fix it during the approval process.
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