Who has some cool dioramas to show off??
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Who has some cool dioramas to show off??

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

So who out there has some cool dioramas with action figures to show off?? Give us some links to your pics...

Posted by Captain Coder
on Saturday, April 5, 2003
User Comments
Captain Coder -
Monday, May 3, 2004
I recognize a couple of the customs that he submitted. Here's a link to his work so far:

Maybe he'll submit the rest of them when he has time
CJK Toy Bay -
Monday, May 3, 2004
Whoa did you do all the custom figs as well? If so they look excellent!!
Do you have any closeups of them?

Edit: Never mind...just saw your post over in the Customs section :wink:
Venom77713 -
Sunday, May 2, 2004
heres one I made for the fright zone
Nosco -
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Eventually sigh... got loads of stuff I want to do first.. lol.. its a very long work in progress...
Red Dragon -
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Lookin good Scott! You ever gonna get that thing finished???

Heres a few I did recently:

Nightmare Freddy Boiler Room Dio.....This one is still in progress, going to add a furnace and some body parts

Spawn's Alley Dio.....This one is finished, nothing major, a custom Spawn, Dumpster, which I had to weather, Lamp post, Rabid dog, a rat and some rocks.

Captain Coder -
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Holy smokes... Look at the size of that. It takes up a good portion of your room. I'm not sure something of that size is considered a diorama, but maybe the set to shoot a scene for the next movie! That's gonna be great when you get some more work done on it.
Nosco -
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Im still at a stand point at the moment with my jango obi one battle dio as
things in my personal life seem to be arising all the time recently so I havnt done much with it the past few months.. But heres the link to see it in its still early stages... lots more to do on its as its gonna be quite big..


Dan -
Friday, April 11, 2003
We have quite a few entries in our diorama section at JPToys.com. We also have a Diorama board on our Forum.

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