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Okay, so show of hands, who else got their copy of the Deadpool Movie today?

Posted by MercMouth Customs
on Tuesday, May 10, 2016
User Comments
MercMouth Customs -
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Oh yeah, the viagra add killed me. I spent the whole first evening just watching all the extras.
StarGirl -
Sunday, July 24, 2016
That was hilarious Deadpool is doing all these awesome random parody type things of viagra XD That's the most perfect way to spend it. I laughed so hard in the theater Deadpool is definitely a pick up for me. I also tried to watch it full online last night! The merc with the mouth!
StarGirl -
Friday, July 22, 2016
I enjoyed Deadpool so much. I rented it but omg did you see the DVD promos I'm sure? So funny I wanna get the movie
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