Hollywood Action Custom Contest
Hollywood Action Blockbuster Bonanza

Lights... Camera... Action!!! I love the time when action movies were a real spectacle! Names like Arnold, Sly, Bruce and Jean Claude were not just owners of Planet Hollywood but were action royalty! This contest is to celebrate the action movie genre! Build a figure of your favorite action hero character! Conan, Rambo, Blade, Logan and Bond are a few examples. Extra points if the likeness to the actor is uncanny or you capture the character's spirit. Don't just make a figure of the actor. But, make him as the character he portrayed and made iconic! B movie characters (like Roddy Piper in They Live), and foreign action flicks (like Tony Jaa in Ong Bak) are encouraged! If you want to do TV action fixtures like a Lou Ferigno Hulk, B. A. Baracus, or Michael Knight, go for it. Original characters are barred from this one! But, you can still stretch your imagination. There is no specified decade! You can even look into the future and make a Channing Tatum Gambit or a Keira Knightly Cable. Let's have fun and get the action going!
Please remember to follow the Contest Rules and to Vote Fairly.
Contest Winners:

Size Restrictions: None
Dioramas Allowed: Yes
Original Characters Allowed: No

What is the contest schedule?
Begins: Contest Closed
Ends: April 15th, 2017 - Last day for submissions. No exceptions! Cut off is at midnight Central Standard Time.
Voting: April 16th - 22nd.
Managed By: Rudo13

Example Pictures for Ideas

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User Comments
Rudo13 -
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Great contest entries. Congrats to the winners. It's my honor competing against all of you who joined!
Batman1016 -
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Hey, quick general question about contests: if you are managing a contest, are you allowed to enter said contest?
Rudo13 -
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Managers can enter, too. ZombieKev and I have done it in the past. It should not influence the voting since entries are anonymous. I've managed in the past without placing the top 3... This shows that Coder and the rest of the realm guys keep it fair.
Batman1016 -
Friday, April 21, 2017
Cool, cool. So then what are the Manager's duties, specifically?
Rudo13 -
Friday, April 21, 2017
Managers make sure entries meet the criteria of the contest and answer questions regarding these criteria. If they fail to meet the criteria, you can private message Captain Coder or a site regulator like Dr Nightmare and they will help remove any entries that need to be disqualified.
Batman1016 -
Friday, April 21, 2017
So can the Manager see the entries, or do they have to judge based solely on the description, or is it only when people ask here in the contest post? Do they have a yea/nay ability to block entries?
Rudo13 -
Friday, April 21, 2017
You have the final yea or nay on entries. To be fair, you only see the entries pictures the day of the contest voting, since managers can join, too. U can disqualify before then by looking at the description. You can still disqualify after the pictures are out as well. Coder can try to help you communicate with the contestant so that they can tweak their entry to make the cut before you finalize disqualification.
Rudo13 -
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Great turnout, guys! All superstars! Awesome to see Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, Laura Dern, Sylvester Stallone, Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Vincent Price, Kate Beckinsale, Vin Diesel, Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson and Howard the Duck! Congrats on all the beautiful customs!
Rudo13 -
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Last day to submit! All aboard...
Rudo13 -
Friday, April 7, 2017
I week to go! Let's go, guys!
Rudo13 -
Saturday, April 1, 2017
2 weeks to go! Keep em comin!
Phreakotic -
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Nows a good time to try and make Jack Burton (Kurt Russel) from "Big Trouble in Little China"
Rudo13 -
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Yessir, the check is in the mail!
argenta-2008 -
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
One question: could you do for example a movie concept although the film doesn´t exist nor it has been projected? say for example a Movie Concept Celestial, to say something, as to how it would look a Celestial if he appeared in the next big film. Or a movie concept Booster Gold, without portraying any real actor but a realistic face and the dark colours they would give him in a modern movie.
Rudo13 -
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
No. I think the casting aspect of the challenge or emulating an existing cast member of a Hollywood action blockbuster is lost. Your ideas sound great but I don't think they fit the spirit of this contest.
Rudo13 -
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
I got an interesting IM. Without revealing much details... if there are movie or TV projects in the works without much details available to the public... you can still make the movie or TV show character from that said project and cast whoever you want despite era! Example... the stalled Darkness comic book movie... you can cast the role of Jackie Estacado with the late great Brandon Lee. Make sure you explain things in your description. You can even do movie projects that were shelved like Nick Cage in Superman lives!
ZombieKev -
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Really looking forward to the entries in this contest!!
Rudo13 -
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Me, too! If you do join, I'm betting it will be brilliant!
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