Vile Volitions Custom Contest
A yearning to pocket that fancy watch on the counter, the craving you get for senseless destruction after watching the latest hack-n-slash flick, the secret urge to push an old lady down a flight of stairs, these are the freedoms villains never deny themselves and take any chance they get. Celebrate their dirty deeds by creating scores of these wretched villainous scum! Let the bad guys and girls run free this month by making any villain you want!

Nightmare's Notes
-Them's the rules, simple and clean like a good bank-robbery. Make a villain, any villain.

-You can also make heroes if they were villains at one time, but you have to make them in the suit they wore while they were being evil. You can make Rogue in her black/green suit when she worked with Mystique or Superman in his Justice Lord uniform. As always, just make sure you point-out in your description exactly why you're submitting your particular custom.

-Yes, there are prizes this month for First and Second place winners, Third if I find enough stuff to give away! To discourage cheating, I'm not revealing the prizes, they will be Mystery Boxes! First place winner will choose a box, then Second place chooses a box, then Third gets the last one. You don't know what's in the box, it could be anything or nothing at all! It could be a MOC figure or a sock or a piece of candy or a, a Spider-MAN, yeah, that's what I meant...good luck...votes will be monitored as always, anyone voting suspiciously will be disqualified, don't give yourself a 5 and everyone else a big fat ZERO, you will be destroyed without impunity. Have fun!

...and I'm not kidding about the sock. ;)

For details on how the prizes will be awarded, head on over to this topic on the boards:
Please remember to follow the Contest Rules and to Vote Fairly.
Contest Winners:

What is the contest schedule?
Begins: Contest Closed
Ends: August 31st, 2008 - Last day for submissions. No exceptions! Cut off is at midnight Central Standard Time.
Voting: September 1st - 7th.

Example Pictures for Ideas

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