Power of Grayskull Custom Contest

Mysterious portals to Eternia and Etheria have opened into Figure Realm; who, or what, will come pouring through these gates? The goal of this competition is to craft a custom of someone or something from either the Masters of the Universe or She-Ra: Princess of Power franchises.
- Any incarnation of the Masters of The Universe or She-Ra franchises (with the exception of crossovers, see below) is legal subject matter for this contest: The various toy lines, cartoons, comics, live action movie, etc. are all fair game. In addition to standard figures, vehicles (Attack Trak, Land Shark, Wind Raider, etc.), animal mounts/companions (Battle Bones, Panthor, Swift Wind, etc.), and dioramas/playsets (Castle Grayskull, Slime Pit, Snake Mountain, etc.) are all acceptable as entries. You may also reinterpret an existing MOTU or She-Ra character or design an original one if you like (if you do so, don't forget to tell us, in your entry description, how you feel your creation fits into the brand mythology.)
- No crossovers or fusions with unrelated intellectual properties. For example, even though Superman has met and interacted with MOTU characters in the comics and Mattel has released some "versus" sets of MOTUC and DCUC figures packaged together, you may not submit DC characters to this contest. If you'd like to make an amalgam whose component characters all come from the MOTU or She-Ra universes, that's fine, but don't mix in elements from any other franchises.
- There are no restrictions on size/scale and you may use whatever base bodies, parts, materials, tools, and techniques you like to bring your vision to 3-dimensional life.
Please remember to follow the
Contest Rules and to
Vote Fairly.
Contest Winners:



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What are the rules of the contest?
- Please use the form here to submit your custom figure.
- At least a paragraph description is required with your entry. This paragraph, at a minimum, should answer the following questions:
- How was this custom customized?
- How does the custom fit into the contest theme?
- You may submit up to three different entries for the contest.
- Please only submit figures that were created for this contest. Do not submit old figures from the Showcase or previous contest entries.
- Your entry should not be posted on this website, any other website, or anywhere on the internet until the contest is completely over.
- The pictures for your entry will remain hidden until the contest ends and the voting begins.
- Your identity will remain hidden until after the voting completes.
- Do not include names, logos, signatures or anything on the pictures that will give you away as the creator of the custom. We want to keep the customizer's identity a secret until the contest is over.
- Don't wait until the last day to submit your entries. If your internet is down, or something happens beyond your control, you will miss the contest! Also keep in mind how many customs you can submit in one day. You may not be able to submit all your entries in one day.
How does the contest voting work?
Anyone can vote for their favorite customs in the contest, you don't even have to submit anything to the contest! You do have to be logged-in to your Figure Realm account though so we can keep track of the votes. Only appointed Figure Realm staff can see the votes, so anonymity is guaranteed. Voting begins once the entry deadline is met and lasts for a week.
It's hard to choose just one custom to vote on when there are tons of great entries, so Figure Realm has a unique voting system where you can vote on ALL the customs! When you click on an entry to view, there's a bar with buttons on it that lets you give the custom anywhere from 1 to 5 Stars. 1 Star means you think they could have done a better job on the custom while 5 Stars means you think they did a perfect job. The votes for each entry are added up when voting is closed and averaged-out to determine the winners. Also, don't abuse the system. Don't give your own custom 5 Stars and then give everyone else 1 Star to boost your rating. Remember, the votes are monitored.
Some points you might consider when casting your vote: Is the figure well-made? Is the paint smooth or crusty? Are there noticeable fingerprints on the sculpted parts? Is it an original custom? Is it accurate to the source-material (comics, photos, description in a book)? Are the pictures clear enough to see the details? Did the creator take the time to include a back-story or recipe? Is the custom so unbelievably awesome that you'd trade your dog for it?
Craftsmanship and creativity are major factors to consider, but ultimately your vote should depend on how much you like the custom, and how well you feel it fits the contest theme.
What is the contest schedule?
Begins: | Contest Closed |
Ends: | September 30th, 2012 - Last day for submissions. No exceptions! Cut off is at midnight Central Standard Time. |
Voting: | October 1st - 7th. |
Prize: | class="labelval"Figure Realm member supersizeme is generously donating a prize to the first place gold trophy winner of this challenge: A MOTU-themed figure customized by him! |
Managed By: | Patraw |
Example Pictures for Ideas
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