Customs by MayaLu Customz
3D Man (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
It is a straight repaint of Speed Demon, but it was a pain in the face to get my lines nice and straight and I still feel like they are off, but I'm just done with it now......[See More]
Destroyed building corner (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
Just a bunch of insulation foam and little bits and bobs to make debris. Thanks for looking. Please let me know how to improve....[See More]
Avalanche (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
This is 100% Captain Britain. I trimmed down the ear pieces and added a bit of miliput in order to even the helmet out a bit. Helmet chin strap was also shaved off and added a flesh tone. Added 2...[See More]
Firestar (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
I know I am not the first to use this base but this is how my Firestar turned out. She is a Hellcat body, with a vintage Widow head, with slightly darkened hair. Also made a little fire effect and...[See More]
Catwoman (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
I love DC's characters, but hate those weird thigh gaps in their figures. Had an extra vintage Black Widow and a Hellcat head. Removed Hellcat's hair and filled in the gap. Added black paint to it...[See More]
Bonebreaker (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
This started as a Tiger Shark that was missing an arm. I cracked him and put in some Chris Benoit arms. Didn't know what to make of it just let. Then I was gifted a pack of dollar store army men and...[See More]
Trapster (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
Used a Batroc figure for the base, SMC Sandman head, because my Sandman was obliterated by my kitten jumping onto my shelf :(. Added craft foam for the accents and made the backpack from plastic...[See More]
Rubble Base (Marvel)
by MayaLu Customz
This is another action figure base. Just a thin cardboard base, with a bunch of foam glued down. Then added a black coat and mod podge to make it sticky. Afterwards I swept a small pile of dirt and...[See More]
Diablo (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
There is nothing new at all about this recipe. I used Batroc as a base. I had used d his forearms and hands elsewhere so he has Blizzard's. I sculpted the fairy shoes and mask and shoulder piece then...[See More]
Dumpster (2000 AD)
by MayaLu Customz
Again... dio piece built with cardboard and hot glue. Seems to be what all my dio pieces are made from. I was watching PPG while cat sitting my sister's feline, Panda. I guess that is what inspired...[See More]
Rooftop AC Unit ("V")
by MayaLu Customz
I couldn't sleep...had a bunch of random stuff laying around, and came up with this! Lately I have been getting more into dio and prop building, so I wanted to keep building add-ons to my rooftop...[See More]
Ice/water effect (DC Universe)
by MayaLu Customz
Base: cardboard Square. Rubbish:Random Pink Foam pieces. Effect:Wax Paper/Hot Glue Another, albeit smaller dio piece. This was supposed to be a wind effect for my whirlwind, as I seem to be the only...[See More]
Rooftop Dio (Marvel)
by MayaLu Customz
This is my first duo and I am rather proud of it. I know it isn't the first or only, or even the best, but it is mine and I love it. Pink foam and cardboard. Please leave feedback on what I did right...[See More]
Old Lace (Marvel)
by MayaLu Customz
Today I present Old Lace of The Runaways, before anyone says "Old Lace wasn't that kind of dinosaur! " I know he wasn't. I posted a Devil Dino I did and someone seemed bothered that I used a modified...[See More]
Green Shell (Super Mario Bros)
by MayaLu Customz
Completely scratch nuolt from Sculpey. Used green canary yellow and white, then boiled it because that feels more safe than baking it. Thanks for looking...[See More]
Essa Rios (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Vampiro (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Spawn (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
This was done for my wife as a mothers day present. Used a Blizzard and swapped forearms with Batroc. For some reason the hand pegs were different and not compatible with Blizzard's forearms so I...[See More]
Cyber (Marvel Legends)
by MayaLu Customz
I used YBulltois's recipe. It's a Tigershark without the fin some cobalt hue blue and silver. Added milliput to sculpt the lines in the arms and added a bit of shade....[See More]
Salinas (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Hernandez (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Homicide (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Sinister Minister (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Essa Rios (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Kid Cash (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Sting (Wolfpac) (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
La Parka (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Ahmed Johnson (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Tinieblas (Wrestling)
by MayaLu Customz
I made this over a decade ago and finally found my box of old wrestling customs that I made back when I WAS a wrestling fan. In retrospect they are not great customs but I will be sharing them anyway...[See More]
Red Hulk (Hulk - Movie)
by MayaLu Customz
It was a Hulk figure with the double punching feature...I just added some black some flag red a little black wash and a few highlights. Nothing super special. Hope you dig it....[See More]
Displaying customs 1 - 30