Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Customs
Krang (not canon original design) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
I glued these two pieces together awhile ago while searching in my head container I came across it and thought man that can maybe pass for a Krang if I painted him in pink so I used some crazy glue...[See More]
Rahzar 300(original design) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Used a Bst Axn Rahzar head a Mcfarlane figures cape a Motu TMNT crossover Splinter body a Mcfarlane Wolfguard figures loincloth and that's pretty much it gave him a paint job and viola after watching...[See More]
Foot Clan Armored Assault Vehicle (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
I wanted to print some Foot Clan decals for this vehicle but haven't yet I eventually will though I found this vehicle a few months back at Dollar Tree for only $5 said why not it's been awhile since...[See More]
Joytoy 1987 Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Trikus
The Joytoy TMT is awesome. Everything coming from the line is clearly based on the 1987 cartoon with an updated twist, with one glaring exception. Shredder is clearly based on the 2003 cartoon, where...[See More]
Muten Master Super Splinter (not canon original concept) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Found this Bst Axn Rahzar at Ross a couple months back for only $10 said why not then I went to this discount bin store Saturday and found this TMNT He Man crossover Sprinter I thought he looked...[See More]
Super Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Daniel_77
Custom Super Shredder made even more “Super” with Play Arts Kai classic blue Batman as the base…. When I saw this Batman all I could see was a Super Shredder Custom Breakdown…. Extended lower legs,...[See More]
Urbanized stylings:Bride of Frankenstein April (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
While in-between time I cooked up this one up real quick simple head swap didn't do anything no painting and it seems to go together rather nicely the neca April head fit right on the peg no...[See More]
TMNT Leatherhead (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by connor_obain
I present my latest custom, teenagemutant ninja turtles Leatherhead. Right off the bat I am going to say this one was done for me so there is a lot that could be improved on (I didn't prep any of...[See More]
Leonardo in The Wandering Swordsman (not canon an original idea) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
I thought this Leonardo head looked bitchin on this body so I just went with it as the wandering swordsman on a quest to hone his craft this crusade on which he embarks on is a test of his mettle...[See More]
TMNT Scul and Bean (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by connor_obain
Adding to my rogues gallera are Maligna's main mutant mauling machines, Scul and Bean. This is my take on the duo as I wanted to them to have thier own identity but still have similar look. Bass...[See More]
Nickelodeon TMNT Baxter Stockman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by connor_obain
Saw a Imaginext Hulkbuster toy in the charity shop and imediatly thought it would be a great base body for a nickelodeon Baxter Stockman. 3D printed an alternative Winston Zeddemore Real Ghostbusters...[See More]
McDonald Crump (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by TurtlesinTime
McDonald Crump - as seen in the original TMNT cartoon episode “Raphael Meets His Match”. He is a businessman who throws a Yacht party, “McDonald Crump’s Birthday Bash”. Raphael wins tickets to the...[See More]
City Sewer and Above (Classic "sunset" Scene) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by MAXtDie
My stand shelve diorama for TMNT figures - classic mode. Year Released: 2024 Genres: Animals, Cartoons, Comics, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Movies, TV Series Recipe is already described in City Sewer...[See More]
City Sewer: City from above (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by MAXtDie
Now it's truly the last part of the City Sewer diorama. It was not complete after all without it. Special thanks to Elephantman for his suggestion about the design! Year of release: 2024 Genres:...[See More]
TMNT Razhar (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by connor_obain
My latest custom is TMNT's wickedly wailin' wolfman Rahzar! Base figure is a MotU Masterverse Beast Man. Head: Sculpted apoxie sculpt/fimo polymer clay. Reinforced rib protector: Sculpted fimo...[See More]
Gladiatorial Warrior Splinter (not canon original idea) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Used a Marvel legends Gargoyle figure took a Splinter head from his Van Helsing figure combined a few fodder add ones and viola thought it would be cool to have a armored up pit fighter like Splinter...[See More]
A.L.Fr.D(Droid) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by juda
A.L.Fr.D is not only and simply metalwings of wingnut he is a droid personalmost father for him. I took the wing o the vulture BAF M.L, cut, drill paste a head of hulkbuster disney toybox some sculpt...[See More]
WINGNUT (my version) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by juda
Hi again customlovers and tmntlovers. Wingnut I think is a tribute and parody of batman. before say you the elements I use in my version,please,try to recognice characters or pieces os figures. Now...[See More]
Urbanized stylings Leatherhead & Leo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Forgot Croc Master's crocodiles name I think it's Fiona took it's head off stood the crocodile upright glued it's head onto torso used modeling clay to fill in the gap around the back of its neck...[See More]
screwloose III (my version) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by juda
hello TMNTlovers. All wimgnut need screwloose. the third was a kind of young detective to discovered wingnut is "Bruno Wano"this is another character think deserve more honor in a figure. What is...[See More]
TMNT boat : Apocalypse Now ... Turtle Style (Thanks Edgy3 he came up with the name)Down the Okefenokee in search of the frogs (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Found this Final Faction boat for $5 then bought some of these small army figures for $1.35 put on some turtle heads and hands and voila after Casey's and April betrayal the turtles are overwhelmed...[See More]
Mecha Krang (not canon a reimagining) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Originally attempted to make a steampunk Deathklok but I couldn't pull it off so I went this route instead took a head from this Star Wars figure cut a hole into the abdomen of Overtkill and put...[See More]
Foot Soldier Casey Jones & April O'Neal Commander of the Foot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Casey and April were Mk Ultra'd by Krang after a brief stint of serving the opposition the glamour slowly collapsed and with the help of Donatello the veil fell and they both broke free from their...[See More]
Shredder clone (not an accurate depiction original) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Used a Shredder head used a Trap jaw torso and arms used Hulk Hogan legs and used a Piccolo's cape easy peasy real quick...[See More]
Junk in the trunk (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Foxkingcult
I seen the zootopia elephant and thought he would fit in with my usagi motu figures,just a little mod and a bit of paint,wanted a sumo wrestling elephant,thought he could help usagi in his journey or...[See More]
Buck shot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Foxkingcult
Okay ,one of my first attempts at an original character,a little creepier tmnt,so this is Buck Shot ,a hunter who was stalking deer in the one place rocksteady and bebop were taking a well earned...[See More]
Panda Khan (my version) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by juda
Hi again TMNTlovers now present you my Panda Khan version is mortal enemy of Usagi and TMNT samurai clan. Paste "kunfu panda star trowing, matel" head on spider-hulk figure, all accesories: armor and...[See More]
Splinter "the Samurai" (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by juda
I always thought Splinter deserve better look. I take Splinter Dojo cut head, hands, tail and toes and paste on Usagi figure...[See More]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Marvel legends esque Donatello) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Bedlam610
Used a marvel legends Deadpool body used a marvel legends Sleepwalker head used best axn bandana shell front and back hands and feet painted in a crisp green and that's it wanted and was aiming for...[See More]
Panda khan (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
by Foxkingcult
Always loved the vintage figure and was down a usagi rabbit hole so started making more figures that could look good in a display with him but still keep the tmnt connection,a little sculpt and paint...[See More]
Displaying customs 1 - 30