Mr. Fantastic a/k/a Reed Richards (Fantastic Four) (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:100135
Name:Mr. Fantastic a/k/a Reed Richards (Fantastic Four)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:March 12, 2019
Base Figure:Marvel Legends
Height:12.00 inches
A combination of 2 Marvel Legends Mr. Fantastic figures - the 2007 Ronan wave 12 inch "stretched" figure (for the Torso & Legs) and the more recent 2017 Walgreen's exclusive figure (for the Head & Arms). Matching the paint was a headache and adjustment of the chest interior to accommodate the arms anchor parts was tricky - but it worked!

Mister Fantastic
I always thought that the 2007 figure was the best execution of a stretched version of Reed Richards so far, however I was never a fan of the blue-white costume. So this is my attempt at amalgamating that stretched body with the Walgreen's superior "classic" teal blue-black costume and head. Here's hoping Hasbro will one day create a classic "stretched" version, but until then, this custom will have to do for me. I hope you like it.
Reed Richards - Fantastic Four
Here is a stretched Reed in comparison with his other team mates.
User Comments
Fuji-kun -
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
What paint did you use? Someone suggested that I should use Tamiya French blue. Do you think that would work?
RocketMan62 -
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I used Americana multi-surface satin acrylic paint called "Blue Lagoon" that I bought at Michaels store. If I remember correctly, the paint color was pretty close to the figure's factory paint but I think I mixed in bits of yellow, green and/or black until the shade matched better. It's not perfect but I tried to come as close as I could to matching it.
Eero_Finn -
Friday, June 21, 2019
Holy sh*t.
RocketMan62 -
Friday, June 21, 2019
Is that go*d or bad?
Biggbubb -
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
parademon2 -
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
That came out freakin Fantastic! Pun intended.
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