Steven (Music) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:10062
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Music
Date Added:September 21, 2008
Base Figure:Spawn Gravedigger
Height:8.00 inches
" Welcome to my nightmare,
I think you're gonna like it,
I think you're gonna feel you belong.
A walk to vacation,
A necessary sedation,
You wanna feel at home cause' you belong.

Welcome to my nightmare,
Welcome to my breakdown,
I hope I didn't scare you.
That's just the way we are,
When you come down!
We sweat laugh and scream here,
Cause laugh is just a dream here,
You know inside you feel right at home.

Yeah, welcome to my breakdown, Ohhhh...
Welcome to my nightmare, Yeahhhh..."

Welcome to Steven's Nightmare. Steven is the serial-killing-sleep-walking-mass-murderer featured in nearly all of Alice Cooper's songs. If you've seen any of my previous customs, you know that I love to write. So right now, I'm working on writing something very cool featuring Steven as the main character. I'll probably post it on line somewhere, so be sure to check it out in the upcoming months. I base his appearance on a number of costumes Alice has worn during his concerts, and gave him Alice's face. Also, this is just the first in what I hope to be a long line of figures based on song. Heres a little hint of what's up next

"BANG BANG Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon her head..."

User Comments
somebody1 -
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We need more Alice Cooper customs on here. I may do some as I have the Mcfarland figure I can get the head off of. Very cool
bagalazino -
Thursday, November 5, 2009
great job on the face, and the body shape suits him well!
Henchmen4Hire -
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lol, good job!
paperper -
Monday, September 22, 2008
well I don't know what is is but it shure looks cool
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