The Rocketeer version 1 (Rocketeer) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:101583
Name:The Rocketeer version 1
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Rocketeer
Date Added:July 15, 2019
Base Figure:Toy Biz Silver Surfer
Height:5.00 inches
Completion Time:15.00 hours
Articulation:7 points
This Rocketeer figure is the very first custom I ever made way back in 1992. I did not know anything about how to customize a figure, so it is pretty rough looking. I used a Toy Biz Silver Surfer from the early 1990s, with a rocket pack from the Disney Bendem, and a candy container topper for the helmet. I cut the heads off of metal push pins for the buttons.

User Comments
Eduardo Coelho -
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
It looks so great and with a vintage touch that makes him shine!
TheSolarSailor -
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
So much I would do differently now, even if I stayed with this old recipe! Thanks for looking!!
KoolMisfit -
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Wow...a LOT of work went into this...and it shows!
TheSolarSailor -
Monday, August 12, 2019
Thanks. It is rough looking, but it was my very first custom figure I ever made. I had no help and no sources to reference regarding how to go about making it. It turned out good for those old days. Thanks for commenting!
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Dingo WarriorSubmission OrderDark Empire Clone Emperor
The RocketeerRocketeer SeriesThe Rocketeer version 2
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