Destro (G.I. Joe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:101603
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:G.I. Joe
Date Added:July 16, 2019
Base Figure:GI Joe
Height:3.75 inches
IG Destro has been given the modernized treatment! New more in scale hands have been added as well as the rare 50th style head design. He also has been given a new wire seamed fabric cape, real chain for his sword scabbard, and lots of prototype guns! Lastly, he needs his big case of cash which is sure to please his lover, The Baroness!! As always, thanks to all for having a look at my work!!

User Comments
Floydscruffy -
Thursday, July 18, 2019
KoolMisfit -
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Wow! Amazing!
Stronox -
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Thank you!!
TheSolarSailor -
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
That is a beautification Iron Grenadier Destro. Fantastic looking!
Stronox -
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Thank you very much!!
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GI Joe Custom on eBay
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The BaronessSubmission OrderGreen Lantern Kyle Rayner v2
The BaronessG.I. Joe SeriesNight Force Gung-Ho
The BaronessCreated by StronoxBig Lob
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