Dracula (Dracula) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:101772
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Dracula
Date Added:July 29, 2019
Base Figure:Marvel Lends Dracula
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:7.00 hours
Articulation:14 points
Here is my custom Dracula figure, based on the Marvel comic book, Tomb of Dracula. I took some creative license on this figure. I ordered the loose figure to use on another custom that I never got around to. I liked the figure, but it was in ratty shape...dirty, capeless, faded paint, scratches, etc. I decided to clean him up and restore him. I repainted the shirt and vest, and I added a full beard using sculpy because I thought it would look cool. I repainted the flesh in a sickly unnatural palor, and gave him red eyes. The cape came from a Universal Dracula figure. I added a pin into the shirt collar to hook the cord from the cape to, making it look like a part of the tied knot that was molded onto the figure. Voila, I now have a pretty neat looking interpretation of Count Dracula!

Dracula and the Zombie
Dracula versus Werewolf by Night
User Comments
Eduardo Coelho -
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
I have this Dracula (booth you have mencionated) from Marvel Legends Toy Biz and I also look at him and feel the desire to change something on him. First (and only) thing so far I did in him some years ago was to pain beard on his chin because only the moustache make him look more like Clark Gable than with Dracula for me.

Some days ago I give him a better look and deiceided to buy a second Nick Fury from Legedns Hasbro to change this Dracula Legs (man I just hate the ball joint in his hips)and see what should I do to also improve his look. Now that I saw what you did and good does your`s look I guess mine will have a bear and red eyes to because he looks really good as you let him.
TheSolarSailor -
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Clark Gable, hahaha! I was never a big fan of the mustache either, even though that is how Marvel Comics drew him. There was an early issue of Tomb of Dracula, maybe issue 3, where he gets an update disguise and it sort of looks like he has a beard. Real inspiration for the beard, though, actually came from an episode of classic Scooby-Doo, lol. I just loved the look of that bearded vampire! Yes, I too am not a big fan of the ball jointed legs, but I wasn't sure how to remedy it. You should post your Dracula when you finish him up, as I would love to see it!
Hemble -
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Love it, well done.
TheSolarSailor -
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Thank you Hemble! I am glad you enjoyed it!
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