Clive Barker's Nightbreed Reverand Ashberry (Horror) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:101788
Name:Clive Barker's Nightbreed Reverand Ashberry
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Horror
Date Added:July 30, 2019
Base Figure:The Dark Knight Joker Goon
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:40.00 hours
Articulation:12 points
Being a huge fan of Nightbreed, I decided to make custom action figures beginning in 2014 when the Director's Cut was announced. Here we have Reverand Ashberry, an alcoholic priest who is transformed by the Breed's god, Baphomet, into an insane Breed who seeks vengeance on the god for burning him. The original figure was Ashberry with no shirt under his jacket, as seen in the alternate ending to the film. It was heavily flawed and ultimately scrapped, saving only the head. The finished figure shown here is based on the movie's final scene from the theatrical cut where Asherry resurrects villainous Decker. I used a Joker Goon figure from The Dark Knight, sanding away the buttons and adding the priest collar with sculpy. I made the cross out of styrene plastic, and used sculpy for the lip of the jacket's front pocket so that it looked like the cross was in the pocket. Alfred Pennyworth provided the hands. The head was the figure of Anyanka from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, heavily sculpted and reshaped to look like the deformed priest. That head was really hard to get just right, requiring multiple attempts and reworks. The accessories are from the Buffy line. I painted the poetry book and added a cross to the front to be Ashberry's Bible. This figure ended up being tougher than it looks. I hope you like it! I included a picture from the film for comparison.

Director's Cut quote: I saw their god. I saw it. I can still...smell him. He's out there.
Director's Cut quote: Their god burned me. I want to burn him back. All of them...burn them all away.
Theatrical cut quote: I saw their god, master. He burned me. I want to burn him BACK!
Scene from Nightbreed theatrical cut
User Comments
spiceboi -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
TheSolarSailor -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Thank you!
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