Clive Barker's Nightbreed Peloquin (Horror) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:101808
Name:Clive Barker's Nightbreed Peloquin
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Horror
Date Added:August 1, 2019
Base Figure:Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike figure, The Master figure
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:55.00 hours
Articulation:11 points
Here is the most popular monster from Clive Barker's Nightbreed, the Breed called Peloquin. Boone is attacked by Peloquin when he first comes to Midian. His balm, passed on by the bite that mocks death, turns Boone into one of the Breed. Boone is prophecied to be the savior of Midian, and Peloquin later laments creating him, saying, "he hasnt saved us, he's destroyed us!" I chose to make Peloquin in his beast form, after transformation. He was a very difficult figure to make. I used a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike figure for the body. I sanded down features on the shirt and sculpted on baggy sleeves to the forearms. I added string to the edge of the sleeves. I formed the v-neck of the shirt and added very small strips of Sculpy for the lace-up chest. I sculpted the boot flaps after having sanded down the existing pants legs below the knees. For the head, I used The Master from the Buffy line. The head's neck was solid with no ball joint, so I had to cut down the neck and use the dremel to create a ball joint connection. I cut away the sides of his mouth and added new lips to create the extra slack for when he opens his gaping maw fully. I sculpted nearly everything on his face except his eyes and teeth. It took me a really long time, over a year, to figure out how to make his tentacle dreadlocks. First I used wire, but trying to coat the wire with Sculpy or epoxy simply did not work. I ended up using a Marvel Legends alien Green Lantern with an octopus type of head that I stumbled across on Ebay. I cut off the tentacles at the desired length, sanded the detail away on each one, then secured them to the back of the head with epoxy. After that bonded, I used Sculpy to bring the tentacles forward onto the forehead and face. I then sanded it smooth so that no seams showed. It was a very tedious job! I added the necklace, then painted the figure head to toe. Lastly, I gave him the blood stains on his shirt and cut a strip of cloth for his sash. I included a publicity photo from the movie for comparison. Please check out my other Nightbreed figures!

I made him. The bite was mine, the bite that mocks death!
You're still natural, and that means you're meat...for the beast!
F**k the law, I want meat!
Publicity photo from Nightbreed
User Comments
spiceboi -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
TheSolarSailor -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Thanks for taking a look and commenting!
Thursday, August 1, 2019 did a lot of work and it sure paid off!! Excellent!!
TheSolarSailor -
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Thanks STARK R@D. He took forever, and practically laid dormant for about a year as I was stumped on how to do those tentacles. Eventually, the light bulb came on and I figured it out!
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