Clive Barker's Nightbreed Aaron Boone Version 2 (Horror) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:102181
Name:Clive Barker's Nightbreed Aaron Boone Version 2
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Horror
Date Added:September 3, 2019
Base Figure:Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike figure
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:30.00 hours
Articulation:15 points
Here is a new custom of Boone from Clive Barker's 1990 monster opus, Nightbreed. This is a commission I took on for a friend. I don't usually do commissions as customizing figures is something I do for myself, but I made an exception this one time. This is the exact same recipe I used for Version 1: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike body, Hawaiian shirt Angel head, DC Superboy jacket, and the mullet cut from an Obi-Wan Kenobi custom cast head from Ebay. The only difference is that this is Boone with facial markings wearing the leather jacket! I managed to do a bit better on the facial markings this time, achieving smaller fine lines. I used a Prismacolor colored pencil, finely sharpened, to create the markings and sprayed it with sealant. I used a Dremel to drill bullet holes in the front and back of the jacket, then secured the jacket to the body with Epoxy. I messed up his right hand by drilling the peg hole too large, so I used epoxy to fix that problem, still leaving the hand posable. Valejo paints were used to finish the figure. Please check out my other Nightbreed custom figures!

Don't look...DON'T LOOK!
There's no place for me out there. I belong here!!!
Why is the place so empty? I smell blood...
I don't want you to see...GET OUT!!!
User Comments
spiceboi -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
ME ENCANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheSolarSailor -
Saturday, September 28, 2019
THANK you!!
StrangePlanet -
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Holy crap that looks great. That’s a darn good likeness. All the details are there. Bravo!!
TheSolarSailor -
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Thanks for chiming in with positive remarks! The markings on his face are difficult to achieve!
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