Batman & Robin Bane Jeep Swenson (Batman - Movie Style) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:102370
Name:Batman & Robin Bane Jeep Swenson
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Batman - Movie Style
Date Added:September 15, 2019
Base Figure:Batman & Robin Bane figure
Height:5.00 inches
Completion Time:25.00 hours
Articulation:4 points
And now I am to the last of my vintage Batman movie custom 5 inch figures. Here is Bane as seen in 1997s Batman & Robin, played by the late Jeep Swenson, may he rest in peace. I actually kind of like the design for Bane in the film, even if the writer and director iced the characterization. To make Bane, I used the figure from the Batman & Robin toy line as the base, the one that looked nothing like the movie. I used epoxy to cover and enlarge the head. I used Sculpy to carefully layer on the mouthpiece and eye designs. I smoothed out the muscle definition where his shirt covers the body with sculpy as well. I used the dremel to cut away the unwanted arm band and wrist gauntlet, then I cut the hands off and replaced them with the hands from an 8 inch Jakks Pacific wrestling figure. I used sculpy to make the wrist cuffs, the collar, the cod piece, and the chest harness gizmo, as well as more details on the boots for screen accuracy. I drilled a hole in the back of his head and an angled hole into his spine just above the harness gizmo, then cut down the hose that came with the figure to the desired length and glued it in. The spikes on his waist, wrists, and collar were made using toothpicks. I used hobby wire for the extra four cords that attach to his head. After painting the figure from head to toe, I drew on the veins using a Prismacolor colored pencil. There you have it, a screen accurate Bane! Please check out my 16 other custom action figures based on the old Batman movie series!

Work in progress.
User Comments
OldSchoolCustoms -
Thursday, January 16, 2025
This is amazing I will need to follow this recipe though not sure I can pull it off as well! Looks perfect!
bootleg buster toys -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
This figure can easily destroy my customized Bane action figure by one blow
great and excellent work...I admire you very much
TheSolarSailor -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Well thank you so much for the kind words. Bane was a lot of work, but I am very proud of the final result!
SuperSoldierScarletSpider -
Sunday, September 15, 2019
This guy is AWESOME! if only this was what we got back then!
TheSolarSailor -
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Thank you! A lot of these figures were initially made in the early 2000s, but I got them out back in April and started upgrading them. Some were bigger upgrades, like Redoing Poison Ivy's hair or resculpting Two-Face's head, or making the heroes anatomically correct like the movies, while others were as simple as making new accessories, such as Catwoman's whip or Batman's electronic batarang. Batgirl, Sonar Suit Batman, 1989 Batman, Penguin Commandos, and Bane were all brand new figures I recently made, finally realizing old plans that went dormant for 15 years. Bane was my last one, and I am very proud of him! My screen accurate vintage collection of 17 Batman movie figures is now complete and perfected to the best of my abilities. It is bittersweet to finish it all up, as it has been an enjoyable experience.
Brucutu -
Sunday, September 15, 2019
This figure is so well made that it almost makes me angry for not having one.
I remember that when I first saw this design of Bane I didn't like it very much, but as a collector I started liking it over the years. Your figure makes me want to customize one for myself
TheSolarSailor -
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hello and thanks for commenting. I didn't really like the design either back then, but over time I have come to really appreciate the costumes and designs for Batman & Robin, regardless of the movie itself being bad. I just really don't understand why the toy companies had such a difficult time giving us accurate movie villain figures back then. Batgirl, Poison Ivy, and Bane never got accurate figures...not even close. I say go for it, make a custom 1997 Bane figure. Jeep Swenson needs more love! Check out my movie accurate Poison Ivy and Batgirl while you are at it!!!
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