Farmer Joe (Motel Hell) (Horror) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:102673
Name:Farmer Joe (Motel Hell)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Horror
Date Added:October 11, 2019
Base Figure:Neca Jason Vorhees
Height:7.00 inches
Completion Time:30.00 hours
Articulation:20 points
I love horror movies and, as a 1/12 figure collector, I would like to get all the characters from my favourite horror movies. Fortunately Neca, during the last few years, come out with such great classic horror film figures such as Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers (and many others). Other companies, like Sota Toys and Mcfarlane Toys tried to do the same, but still some of these famous characters are missing (probably because of the difficulty to get the rights of some of these characters): Jack Torrance from "The Shining", Annie Wikes from "Misery" and Cujo from the omonimous Stephen King's movie are just a few of them. Motel Hell is wihout any doubt one of the '80 horror perls, displaying a character - Farmer Joe - so unique and captivating, with that real pig head and his enormous chainsaw. Little matters that this character is basically a second hand copy of Leatherface in his debut film, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" wich appeared six years earlier: Farmer Joe is simply unforgettable!

I started form a Neca Jason Vorhees figure and just covered his head with green stuff till I got the pig face. Than painted it all with Citadel acrylic paints. The chainsaw is also a custom: it's a Leatherface chainsow that I cut in half and to which I added a modelled plastic part to make it longer. Than I added some blood and bits with green stuff to emulate the guts. I finishid it off with matte acrylic spray.

User Comments
Cabal22 -
Thursday, November 21, 2019
I'd love to craft some more horror 1/12 figures, of some before never released horror characters like The Shining's Jack Torrance and Kathy Bates from Misery. I hope I will finally fulfill this dream!😄
TheSolarSailor -
Friday, October 11, 2019
The advertisements for this film scared me so bad when I was young. That high head was horrifying and gave me nightmares, lol! I didn't see the movie until many years later, only to find that it was a campy classic. It's great! Old pig head Farmer Joe only appears like that in the big showdown at the end, but what a memorable appearance it was. You did a great job on this figure!
Floydscruffy -
Friday, October 11, 2019
Great job bro great to see this guy made onto a figure...
Friday, October 11, 2019
To this day that is the only movie that ever scared me. The scene where the people are buried and making those horrible noises. Great job...he's so creepy!! Perfect for the Halloween season.
Cabal22 -
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Yes, some scenes are very creepy and express complete insanity. That's what I love of this movie😄
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