Batman Forever 12 inch Two-Face (Batman Forever) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:102815
Name:Batman Forever 12 inch Two-Face
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Batman Forever
Date Added:October 22, 2019
Base Figure:Agent Patrick McGuiness by Dragon
Height:12.00 inches
Completion Time:50.00 hours
Articulation:23 points
Here is my 12 inch custom figure of Two-Face as he appeared in the 1995 film, Batman Forever. Controversial as this version of Two-Face may be to fans, he is still the very first ever live action depiction of the classie villain. The figure started off as Federal Agent Patrick McGuiness, released years ago by Dragon. The head sculpt seemed close enough to Tommy Lee Jones to get a pass, so I used sculpy to reshape his good side just a tad, sculpting a sideburn, brow, chin, and new hair to bether tweak his likeness. I also sculpted the scarred side, making the facial damage and messy hair as close to what we see in the movie as I could, a compliment to makeup artist Rick Baker. The head was then brush painted using Valejo paints. The hands came from a Lanard 12 inch figure, seeing that the detachable Dragon hands looked too small. The glove was a military cloth fingerless glove, dyed black. Strips of styrene plastic was used to create the brass knuckles on the glove. I spray painted them and the toe of the shoe with Testors Aluminum paint. I altered the jacket of Agent McGuiness's suit, reforming the lapels and stitching them to open up the chest. I added a new clasp to fasten the jacket. I made the neck tie from scratch using a thin leather strap. The suit's crazy patterned side was brush painted using some fabric paints I bought at Wal-Mart. The black striping and detailing was hand-drawn with a paint pen. The gun was completely hand-crafted by me using styrene plastic, meticulously recreated with exacting detail using a prop photo from the book, The Making of Batman Forever. It was spray painted with Testors Aluminum paint, then the handle/hilt was shaped with black sculpy and left unpainted. I am very proud of this completely hand-crafted custom figure of Two-Face. It was a huge challenge to create and I hope you enjoy it!

For your dying pleasure we are serving the very same acid that made us the men we are today!!!
If the Bat wants to play, we'll play!!!
All those heroics for nothing. No more riddles, no more curtains number one or two...just plain curtains!!!!
You barge into our hideout. You violate the sanctity of our lair. For this, we should crush your bones to powder, however, you offer an interesting proposition...therefore heads, we accept, and tails, we blow your damned head off!!!
User Comments
Redmist -
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tubular Two Face!
TheSolarSailor -
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Thanks for taking a look!
zelu1984 -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
TheSolarSailor -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Thank you so much!
biff_pow -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
TheSolarSailor -
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Thanks, I appreciate that!
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biggrin  smile  sad  surprised  confused  cool  badgrin  mad  razz  redface  cry  evil  rolleyes  wink  eusa_angel  eusa_boohoo  eusa_clap  eusa_dance  eusa_doh  eusa_drool  eusa_eh  eusa_hand  eusa_liar  eusa_naughty  eusa_pray  eusa_shhh  eusa_shifty  eusa_sick  eusa_silenced  eusa_snooty  eusa_think  eusa_wall  eusa_whistle  

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