Bruce banner hulk movie (Incredible Hulk) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:10699
Name:Bruce banner hulk movie
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Incredible Hulk
Date Added:October 30, 2008
Base Figure:Indiana jones/banner head
Height:4.00 inches
Here's a cool bruce banner figure from the incredible hulk movie. He'swearing the blue shirt and jeans, the outfit he wears when he hulks out at the college campus. It's a real easy one, indiana jones body(thebag comes with it)banner/norton head from hulk 2 pack. Paint him up, give him a detail wash ans bang. A pretty cool little banner. You'll also see i made a general ross with a hulk buster body and a palpatine head with a painted on mustache. Abomination was just hit with a black wash to bring out the details. Coll little set. Enjoy

User Comments
guido_vcgga -
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I love that Ross as well. Good thinking!
ruredi2roc -
Friday, October 31, 2008
Great job. I had done this same thing to make my bruce banner (found on this site), except I left the shirt white. Love the Gen. Ross idea, though. Very creative.
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