Lucky Draw Green Unicron of Light (Transformers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:10767
Name:Lucky Draw Green Unicron of Light
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers
Date Added:November 4, 2008
Base Figure:Unicron
Height:15.00 inches
The original Green Unicron of Light was a lucky draw limited to 10, so we decided to do our take and add a little more detail. He was done from a regular Unicron, and it took about 3 days to get him completely painted but tell us if you like. Thanks

User Comments
tobuttica -
Thursday, July 30, 2009
That's super bad a$$! How did you get the clear orange plastic green? I want to paint one so I have the set. I have Armada(orange), I have Energon(Black), and I want that one, but I don't have anywhere near $5000 to shell out. If you could help, that'd be super. If not, I'll have to dig around, but it'd be awesome if you could save me some trouble. Thanks.
Henchmen4Hire -
Monday, November 10, 2008
That's just insane, how much did you folks get for it? A million dollars?
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