Scarecrow (Batman - Movie Style) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:10902
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Batman - Movie Style
Date Added:November 11, 2008
Base Figure:Joker Goon (Dark Knight Movie Masters)
Height:6.00 inches
I know that many of you have seen this already from other cutomizers but what the heck... here is mine:)

For some reason it is hard to find joker goons lately but I found one and I now have an awsome Scarecrow. Like many of you out there I prefer Scarecrow in his business suit because that is what he wears most of the time. He isn't supposed to be a colorful villian but the toy companies can not get that in thier heads. Putting him in the strait jacket makes him seem more villiany or at least that is what the marketers think.


I swaped the heads, hands, and feet. Painted the shirt white, and used craft foam for a tie (hey I was using limited resorces but it works)

there you go ... Scarecrow!!!

User Comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
I used hands, head, and feet from the regular Scarcorw figure and transfered them to the goon Body
spawnsauce -
Thursday, November 13, 2008
what hands did u use?
Unknown User -
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Always good to see another Scarecrow custom. Wish I had me one of these...I have the regular movie masters version, but no extra thug to give up to make a custom.
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