Jacen Solo (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:109359
Name:Jacen Solo
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:March 12, 2021
Base Figure:Black Series Luke
Height:6.00 inches
Jacen Solo was one of three children of Han and Leia in the Expanded Universe novels that preceded the Disney universe. A few people already have made this version of the character, so nothing really ground breaking here. A Star Wars Black Series Luke body with some resculpted forearms for his gangly, ape-like arms, a Farm Boy Luke build, and a Jacen Solo headcast (actually it's Darth Caedus, but I bought an extra for a Jacen Solo custom as wel since he isn't overly work intensive).

I never read the novels, so what I know of that era I've learned from website articles and Darkhorse Comics, but my Jaina looked kind of lonely, and since I'm not sure Hasbro will ever make him with the Mouse around, I thought I could add him to the shelf.

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
AnakinSoloIsBestBoi -
Friday, March 19, 2021
He looks awesome! That's the wattos_scrapyard Caedus headsculpt right? How did you go about sculpting on those forearms?
packerbacker180 -
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Hey, thanks for commenting. Forearms weren't overly complicated, just sanded them down a bit with a Dremel, then put some miliput on the them and used a sculpting tool tp put some indentations on them to look wrap-ish.
OCT 31 1978 -
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Nicely done!!
I consider these characters the true cannon and sequels of the original Trilogy.
packerbacker180 -
Sunday, March 21, 2021
I haven't even delved deeply into the EU and I'd take it ahead of the ST.
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