Bruce Banner (Post Hulk-out) (Incredible Hulk) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:10943
Name:Bruce Banner (Post Hulk-out)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Incredible Hulk
Date Added:November 15, 2008
Base Figure:Indiana Jones figures/ Bruce Banner head
Height:3.50 inches
So, I made a custom Bruce Banner because the body of the new B.B. figure was horrible. Then I decided I wanted to make a post Hulk-out version and found a pretty simple method. I started, as before with a Bruce Banner head. It is a bit bigger than the new figure neck, so I had to fill it in a bit to make it fit tight. I made the body from a couple Indiana Jones figures. I used the torso and legs of the Cemetery Warrior figure and the arms and feet of the Ugha Warrior. I really only wanted the cemetery warriors legs, but once I realized you could cut off his shirt and the torso was easier to use than the ugha warriors, I simply replaced the arms, dremelled off the bone trinkets on his arms, sanded them down, and did a repaint on the entire body. I was going to simply replace the CW feet with the UW feet, but then this BB would have been shorter than my previous figure, so I actually cut off the UW legs just above the ankles and adhered them to the CW legs. And...there it is!

Head- I.H. movie Bruce Banner figure
Torso and Legs- Indiana Jones Cemetery Warrior
Arms and Feet- Indiana Jones Ugha Warrior

User Comments
ruredi2roc -
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It's actually floral moss. It's cheap, it looks good, and it's easy to find (got mine at Walmart). Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated.
Chaos Zero -
Sunday, November 16, 2008
That's a clever move with the body switch. Looks good! the base looks cool too, what type of fake grass do you use?
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