Migs Mayfield (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:109609
Name:Migs Mayfield
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:April 10, 2021
Base Figure:Black Series Solo Mimban Mudtrooper
Height:6.00 inches
Ranzar Malk: "Yeah, well, Mayfeld, he's… He's one of the best triggermen I've ever seen. Former Imperial sharpshooter."

Din Djarin: "That's not saying much."

Migs Mayfeld: "I wasn't a stormtrooper, wiseass."

Migs Mayfield was a mercenary for hire and former Imperial sharpshooter who came into contact with The Mandalorian during a job to free a prison from the New Republic Prison Transport the Bothan-Five. During the mission, Mayfield and crew turned on the Mandalorian and were subsequently left to be captured by the New Republic. For his part in the heist, which led to the death of a New Republic officer named Davan, Mayfield was sentenced to serve 50 years of service at the Karthon Chop Fields. However, Mayfield was eventually recruited by The Mandalorian and New Republic Marshal Cara Dune who were seeking the whereabouts of Moff Gideon. Mayfield accompanied The Mandalorian and crew to the planet Morak where they disguised themselves as Imperial Juggernaut Pilots in an attempt to infiltrate a refinery to tap into the Imperial system to determine the location of Moff Gideon's ship. However, the mission went sideways when Mayfield and The Mandalorian shared drink with an Imperial Officer named Valin Hess, who had once served as Mayfield's commanding officer. Mayfield eventually shot and killed Hess. Mayfield was set to return to serve out his sentence, but was set free by Dune, who commented on his "unfoturnate death during the refinery explosion". So Mayfield was set free on Morak. His current whereabouts are unknown.

How cool is Bill Burr? I really would like to have made his season one look, but figured this would be an easier way to quickly get him on my shelf so I could work on other projects, and hope that Hasbro eventually makes one. So the head was a 3D printed cast I bought from Wattos Scrapyard on eBay, that I spent a lot of time trying to add some color and shading to the skintone. I'm pretty happy with the result. The rest is just a Black Series Mimban Mudtrooper with a few minor modifications where one knee piece was removed and a neck piece was sculpted under the armor. Besides that he was giving a little bit of a repaint to remove the red on the right arm, and to better blend the colors together. The helmet was just a repainted Imperial Hovertank Pilot head. Not the most extensive work on the body, so that allowed me to spend more time working on the head. Overall, I'm happy with how he turned out. Maybe someday I'll revisit him and make a season one version, but for now, this will do.

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
djcos25 -
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Love it! As someone from New England, I approve! Space Boston!
franciscocancun -
Sunday, April 11, 2021
looks great
packerbacker180 -
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Redmist -
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Pretty good likeness!
packerbacker180 -
Sunday, April 11, 2021
3D prints are great!
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