Rainbow Raider (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:109759
Name:Rainbow Raider
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:April 27, 2021
Base Figure:DCUC Green Arrow
Height:6.00 inches
Piano opening.

"He comes on colours everywhere,
he covers his hair,
he's Roy G. Bivolo."

Piano instrumental.

That's right, his last name is Bivolo and for some reason his parents thought it would be a good idea to name him Roy G., practically begging him to growup to wear a rainbow costume. But here's the kicker, Roy G. Bivolo is color blind. But his father was a world renowned optometrist who sought to find a cure for his artistic son, whose dream of being an artst was apparently dashed because, although he was a skilled artist, his paintings often clashed colorwise because I guess no one was around to tell him, maybe that tree shouldn't be blue in front of that green sky? (hey, it was pre-Crisis, so yeah, it's all a little silly--Bob). Before he died, Roy's father gave him a special pair of goggles that could project special light he could use as a weapon, or like Lucky the Leprechaun, he could ride around upon a rainbow (blasting the Rolling Stone's "She's Like a Rainbow" on a loop--at least in my mind!). So he's basically as if Cyclops and Iceman had a baby and threw him into a giant vat of melted Crayola crayons or something. Of course, what would one do with such an amazing pair of goggles but go on a crime spree to steal all the art in the world to get revenge. I guess, rule the world was too lofty a goal for Rainbow Raider. But he's a Rogue, so, maybe he can be the lookout?

Rainbow Raider was made from the body of a DCUC Brightest Day Green Arrow with the torso sanded and resculpted, plus some standard DCUC arms and legs and a Doctor Mid-Nite head with modified goggles. And paint. Lot's of colors of paint. And that's it. But I like the way he pops, so I'm happy with how he turned out.

Thanks for looking.

Piano outro.

User Comments
HectorHall -
Thursday, June 30, 2022
one of my favorite morts
well done, it takes a lot of patience to separate those colors
Carnivac -
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Those colours look so nice and clean.
packerbacker180 -
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Thanks, took some time to get the lines color breaks clean.
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