Kite Man, Hell Yeah (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:110691
Name:Kite Man, Hell Yeah
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:August 13, 2021
Base Figure:DCUC Dr. Impossible
Height:6.00 inches
Charlie Brown Charlie Brown he's a clown that Charlie Brown
He's gonna get caught just you wait and see
(Why's everybody always picking on me)--The Coasters

Yep, Kite Man's (hell yeah) real name is Charles "Chuck" Brown, and he studied wind in school (I heard the exams were a breeze!). Mostly seen as a one note villain prior to DC Rebirth, Kite Man (hell yeah) was breathed new life in recent years thanks to his appearances on the Harley Quinn cartoon and as a character in the War of Jokes and Riddles Saga which gave him a bit of a new, sad origin.

Sadly, for me, Kite Man (hell yeah) was a commission so he'll shortly be air bound elsewhere. He was made using a Dr. Impossible body (mostly because he's blank but still had the cape hole in his back) with some sculpted boots and gauntlets, and a sculpted vest. It was hard to get an exact design on the vest since several artists drew him differently (some foregoing even the appearance of a vest) so I went with what I thought looked good and logical. For his backpack I used a YJ Aqualad back piece because the proportions looked good. His head is a modified Multiverse CW Flash head while the kite was fashioned from the crossbar of a kite, some coffee stir sticks, and a green table cover all purchased at the Dollar Tree. It isn't perfect looking, but neither is the character, so I think it looks good enough.

Cost of a green table cover? $1.00
Cost of a kite? $1.00
Cost of coffee stir sticks? $1.00

Building a kite for Kite Man using Dollar Tree supplies? Hell yeah!

And that's it. I'm pretty happy with how Kite Man (hell yeah) turned out, though whether he calls the English teacher "Daddy-O" hasn't been explored as far as I know--that's an old song reference, Bob.

Thanks for looking!

Hell yeah!

User Comments
HectorHall -
Thursday, June 30, 2022
hell yeah
packerbacker180 -
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Hell yeah!
Floydscruffy -
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Cool kite man
Mandomuggle -
Friday, August 27, 2021
Hell Yeah!
northjason -
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
I love mixed media concepts. This is great.
packerbacker180 -
Thursday, August 19, 2021
thank you
Dravenheart -
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Very nicely done! He looks great!
packerbacker180 -
Thursday, August 19, 2021
peanutsinspace -
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Hell. Yeah.
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Hell yeah!
Iron Will -
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Now the Condiment King!
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Maybe someday, I have others I need to...ketchup.
hirethishero -
Friday, August 13, 2021
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, August 14, 2021
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