Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian) (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:110958
Name:Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:September 14, 2021
Base Figure:Black Series Jedi Knight Luke
Height:6.00 inches
"Are you a Jedi?"
"I am."

I usually do a little writeup on the character in case someone doesn't know them, but this is Luke Skywalker so I think I can forego that this time. I've wanted a version of this Luke since the finale of season 2 of The Mandalorian dropped. I've no idea why Hasbro drags it's feet on Star Wars figures when hundreds of Marvel Legends come out in the interim, but here we are.

SPOILERS AHEAD (I mean, c'mon, if you haven't seen it already!)

As an adult, outside of live sporting events, I've never had an emotional response to a moment like I did the moment that lone X-Wing swooped on to screen. I'd heard people say maybe Luke will show up, but I wasn't expecting it. I figure Ahsoka, or a group of friends were arrive to save the day, but nope. And as that scene unfurled, I stood up from the couch and I slowly, almost hypnotically, moved closer to the TV so that I was only a couple feet away and I watched the rest of the episode like that. And I'm not ashamed to admit my eyes welled up a bit. This was Luke Skywalker! He wasn't some bitter, old, blue milk drinking coot. This was Luke freaking Skywalker: Jedi Knight. I've watched that ending countless times since, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

So I had to have that Luke for my shelf, and it wouldn't be too hard to make since he isn't that far removed from Return of the Jedi and his garb was pretty much the same. Only I always thought something was off with the face on the Walmart Jedi Knight Luke, so I played around with a few other heads and that hair and found I liked the Bespin Luke head with that hair much better. It's still not perfect, but neither was their CGI, lol. The rest is mostly reuse of the Jedi Knight body. I repainted the tunic because it's some weird black/grey that doesn't match the rest of the black, and added the right hand and belt from the original Black Series ROTJ Luke and bought a custom cloak off eBay because I am many things, but I've discovered I am no tailor. And that was it. Not the most complicated of customs, but one I'm happy to add to my collection.

And when Hasbro gets their act together and releases one, well, I can always find a place elsewhere for him in my collection, so win-win..

Thanks for looking!


User Comments
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Thanks, man. I've no doubt Hasbro will make one, but didn't want to wait.
Vaderjay -
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Dude you described to the "T" my reaction to this episode. Redemption of the one character they tried to destroy. Now you have an awesome figure to keep the legacy. Jedi knight luke is one Hasbro has often gotten wrong in my opinion. This one has the aesthetics many versions are missing.
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Cool, man. Glad I wasn't alone!
Idiot Savant -
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Expertly done as usual my friend !
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Thanks, I.
csuperstar -
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Great custom, you picked the best Luke headsculpt made by Hasbro too!
packerbacker180 -
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Yeah, they've had a few bad ones in Black Series.
Oliver Raf -
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Awesome story and awesome custom! Luke at his full peak phisique and force powers, love that! The Mandalorian series sure had made more emotional impact and respect to the fans than the sequels had done. We only hope Lucasfilm doesn't screw this up for the next productions.
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