Iron Man Night Armor (Iron Man) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11116
Name:Iron Man Night Armor
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Iron Man
Date Added:November 28, 2008
Base Figure:Iron Man Mark II
Height:6.00 inches
I was using this figure as a test subject for using new paints and paint methods. I give Kyle Robinson props for this because it is the same paint detail used in the Metallic Colors tutorial. I have been using the apple barrel paints for years and it never dawned on me that there was something better. I never had luck with testors paint in the past but thank to the tutorials and getting introduced to the master acrylic paints I an now a happier customizer. I now can pose a figure without the paint scratching of and it no longer feel like tericota:)

Again I want to thank Kyle Robinson, Jin Saotome, Dr. Nightmare, and the many great customizers here at the realm for the tutorials, great advice on materials, and inspiration.

I realize that this isn't the best custom figure ever made but now that I have the painting power, and I'll soon be getting some better sculpting material, and a dremel (I told my girlfriend that is what I want for Christmas)...

The floodgates have opened and the customes are going to pooring out of this customizer.

User Comments
Unknown User -
Friday, November 28, 2008
Very nice work man, I'm really liking what you did with him!
Don't you just love that feeling of motivation?
Seems like every customizer, at least once in their career, hits that spot when they start and they can't stop!
As Doc said, you are definetly making headway with your new set of paint!
Apple Barrel paints are one of those harder paints to get to work the way you want-I think the only customizer I've seen pull them off was Ratboy, and we all think he has magic powers lol.
Again, very nice work!!! Can't wait to see what else you bring out to the table!
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, November 28, 2008
Cool, I always buy like 3 or 4 Chaos Blacks from the store, it's definitely the paint I use most since I base coat everything in black @_@
And try not to get hooked on spray paints, the more you practice with your brush, the less hassle you'll have later on. If you ever want to, you could consider getting an air-brush just to do base-coats super-fast or even some really cool shading like GJ and FastFreddie.
Friday, November 28, 2008
I'll keep that in mind. I already went threw a good amount of flat black. I do plan on stocking up on that color the most.
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, November 28, 2008
Just to give some more help, anytime you're doing a basecoat, make the paint just a little more watery than usual, especially if the figure has a lot of bumps or ridges and crevices so the paint will get into everywhere.
Again though, good job, that thing looks like real metal.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tell me about it. I have been making customs for years but now I feel that I can get more professional quality out of my work. My next step is to install an LED into his chest. I also have some great ideas for customs never seen before using these new painting methods, but everyone will have to wait to see what I'll bring to the Realm in the near future.
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, November 28, 2008
The paint looks really smooth, that's a great head-start!
Yeah man, you actually feel like making a ton of customs when you know how to paint, it's tough to get started but it's so worth it once you get the hang of it.
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