The Incredible Hulk (version 2) (Incredible Hulk) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11117
Name:The Incredible Hulk (version 2)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Incredible Hulk
Date Added:November 28, 2008
Base Figure:FO Hulk
Height:9.00 inches
THis was a custom I had already done before. The first time around I used those awful apple barrel paints. I used them for years but after reading the tutorials I found a hobby shop in my area that carries the testors model master acryl paints. I like it much better now because the paint has a much smoother texture and is more durable.

I also decided to redo this custom Hulk Movie figure because it was suggested to me to do more shading on the figure, and after seeing CaptianZero's custom of this figure I had a feeling of envy and inspiration to start over the project. BTW the old paints I used were of such cheap quality the they came off from simply washing the figure in soapy water.

Props to CaptianZero and the tutorials for using better paints. I can feel like a real customizer again :)

User Comments
Tom-Tom -
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I use Apple Barrel on my figures and it works fine. Do you thin the paints down?
Matt-Man -
Friday, November 28, 2008
I agree with rpetras...much better. Great job.
rpetras -
Friday, November 28, 2008
Much better, congrats on the new paints!
trigun22 -
Friday, November 28, 2008
darn dude thats awesome
Friday, November 28, 2008
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, November 28, 2008
Again, super-smooth paintjob, nice and gritty shaded appearance.
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Incredible Hulk Custom on eBay
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