Logan (X-Men) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11142
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:X-Men
Creator:G Brand  
Date Added:November 29, 2008
Base Figure:Wwe deuce
Height:6.75 inches
Base: wwe deuce
hair: apoxie sculpt
claws: sailing stitch needles (props to jin)
paint: shirt-black base & gray dry brush. Hair-black with some gray. And a little brown on the shoes.

User Comments
G Brand -
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The original figure did have that look to him. The claws are actually sewing needles made to stitch boat sails.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I think this figure looks cool, but I am definitly getting an Andrew Dice Clay vibe from him. Mabey its just me. BTW what are the claws made of?
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