Darth Cognus (The Huntress) (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:112179
Name:Darth Cognus (The Huntress)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:February 6, 2022
Base Figure:Various Marvel Legends
Height:6.00 inches
"I love a good chase. That's why they call me the Huntress."―The Huntress

The Huntress was a female Iktochi assassin who possessed precognitive abilities far beyond that of a normal Ikotchi that allowed her to focus and even mildly influence the future. A few years after the New Sith Wars, the Huntress was hired by Princess Serra of Doan to capture Darth Bane whom she believed had killed her father years before. The Huntress successfully captured the Sith Lord and brought him to Serra to be tortured and imprisoned in the Stone Prison on Doan. However, Serra's bodyguard had previously fought alongside Bane as a part of te Sith Gloom Walkers in the New Sith Wars and remembering all the times he had saved her life, she freed the Sith Lord.

"If you become my apprentice, who you were will cease to exist. You must be reborn in the ways of the dark side."
"I'm ready, my lord."
"Then choose a new name for yourself, as a symbol of your new and greater existence."

Sensing the great Darkside power inside Bane, the Huntress offered to submit herself to the Sith Lord and become his apprentice. However, there was still one issue as Bane's current apprentice, Darth Zannah was searching for Bane in order to destroy him and take his place. For her part, Cognus decided to stand aside and let the two battle it out to see whom she would serve. Eventually, Zannah defeated Bane and became the one true Sith Lord.

Not much is known of Cognus after this. At some point she herself must've slayed Zannah, as the Rule of Two decreed and took on apprentice herself in Darth Millenial. However, Millenial often clashed with Cognus over the Banite teachings and eventually fled to the remote planet of Dromund Kaas, where he sought refuge from his Master's wrath. It is assumed Cognus took on a new apprentice after this, but not much is known afterwards.

Darth Cognus, like my Darth Zannah custom, was another instance of a character who has only appeared in the Bane Trilogy novels, and thus there aren't any actual images of her so it allowed me to tinker with fodder to see what I thought would be appropriate. Since she had been an assassin, I wanted something that looked lithe but still offered some protection. As the Huntress, Cognus was known to use two Vibroblades amongst her assortment of weaponry.

So, as far as parts go, her head was a wonderful 3D printed cast I got from Wattos Scrapyard. Her upper torso came from a Marve Legends Mantis, while the legs are from the MCU Sif figure. The arms from an MCU Then figure, while the hands came from an ML Hellcat. Normally, I think the ML hands are a little too big for a Black Series custom, but Iktochi have thicker, larger hands than the average human, so these still fit perfectly. Her vibroblades were prints I got off ebay, while her lightsaber hilt was Darth Bane's version depicted in the Jedi vs Sith comic that I got off eBay. Finally, her belt was from a Snake Eyes Movie Baroness figure with the Cobra emblem sanded off pf the front.

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
Nsp -
Monday, February 7, 2022
kewl darth cognus love the bane trilogy of books
packerbacker180 -
Monday, February 7, 2022
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