Angar the Screamer (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:112198
Name:Angar the Screamer
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:February 8, 2022
Base Figure:Deadpool X men recruit suit
Height:6.00 inches
Head is The Hood with a sculpted mustache, hair/ bandana is from thunderbird and painted brown , body is the deadpool x men suit, belt and armbands are thunderbird, the skulls on the medallion and the bandana are from toybiz Mystique, the medallion is just green stuff made to look a little damaged, the "chain" from the medallion is gold wire threaded through gold metal beads with a gold paint brushed over, jacket is from the hood painted with copper paint on the zipper with the ribbed part at the bottom cut off and crafting foam added to look like tassels and crafting foam used on the arm holes for zero paint rub no matter how far I put them back, the calves are foam glued on. Paint was mixed for the skin tone, yellow mix for the pants and blue mix for the boots, jacket , headband, and tassels.

User Comments
packerbacker180 -
Friday, February 11, 2022
Ha, we used to joke about this guy when we were kids. Never thought I'd see a custom of him. Nice work.
parademon2 -
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Totally rad!
YBulltois -
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Great custom, perfect idea for use of Hood head
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