Strongbad (Misc) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11230
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Misc
Date Added:December 4, 2008
Base Figure:Vintage MOTU He-Man
Height:5.00 inches
This was inspired by the Strongbad email episode on the homestarrunner website where he talks about wanting an action figure of himself. The figure looks JUST like an old MOTU figure, so I decided to make one for myself. It's basically just an old He-Man figure repainted. The boxing gloves and head were sculpted from Sculpey and the mask was cut from thin vinyl strips. In that last pic you can see he has Double Deuce Action!!! DOOOOSH!!!

User Comments
sonicustoms -
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
does he have water activated knife fight damage and smells like hotcakes action and can you poor motor oil down his neck and create battle damage by taking off his leg? oh yeah and he needs to shoot sparks fro his mouth
monsterforge -
Monday, December 8, 2008
If I made him smell like a peanut, everyone would want to eat him!!! Ha ha ha, I had forgotten that one... All I'd need is a roasted peanut, some googly eyes, and some pipe cleaners!
This is bringing back a LOT of memories!
Thanks guys!
ruredi2roc -
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Haha. You can't forget Strong Bad's version either.
"Smells Like Peanut Action!"
Actually, that would be a cool project to take on. You did such a good job on this figure, I bet you could make the whole line.
monsterforge -
Saturday, December 6, 2008
You know.... I probably should! It has been a while since I made the figure... it would be good to revisit the idea!
Lord_Khan -
Friday, December 5, 2008
You should do the entire toyline from that episode
monsterforge -
Friday, December 5, 2008
I thought about adding that feature, but all the glow and the dark paints I was toying with at the time I made this guy showed up too much when not glowing. I actually thought about hollowing out the neck too so he could have the open cavity to hold toxic goop too... but it just wound up being easier to have him look like the figure in the cartoon. Still... it would be cool to have the ooze leaking fist!!!
ruredi2roc -
Friday, December 5, 2008
Haha! This is CLASSIC, man. Very nice work. You should incorporate the glow in the dark abs, too.
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