Tahiri Veila (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:112805
Name:Tahiri Veila
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:April 23, 2022
Base Figure:GI Joe Classified Lady Jaye
Height:6.00 inches
"I know something about pain you don't. Pain drowns other people. I just swim in it." ―Tahiri Veila

Tahiri Veila was the granddaughter of a Jedi of the Old Order, Veila was born on the planet Tatooine to a pair of moisture farmers, Tryst and Cassa Veila. After the deaths of her parents, an orphaned Veila was adopted by the leader of a Tusken Raider tribe who raised her as one of the Sand People. Around 22 ABY, Jedi Master Tionne Solusar discovered Veila's connection to the Force and brought her to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. She then formed a friendship with a fellow Jedi Initiate named Anakin Solo, a grandson of the Jedi Chosen One Anakin Skywalker. The experiences of her childhood on Tatooine ultimately caused Veila to develop a particular trait that she retained well into adulthood: a phobia for footwear. After spending her first years on a surface covered mostly by hot sand, Veila reveled in her new-found freedom as a Jedi to walk barefoot whenever she pleased. She loved the sensation of feeling the cold surface of the Great Temple on Yavin 4 with her feet. With few exceptions, Veila spent most of her young life without shoes.

I haven't read many Expanded Universe novels, and chances are because there are so many, I never will. It's a daunting task, and I've lost a bit the capacity to read a novel. But it doesn't mean I can't read about and appreciate the characters and overarching storylines. In fact, I'd take them any day over the Disney Sequels.

So enter Tahiri Veila. I'd seen pictures of her over the years and when I saw the GI Joe six inch Lady Jaye I thought she'd be a good base for many Star Wars female characters, and of course the green outfit lends one to immediately think of Tahiri. But the GI Joe figures have the same long leg syndrome as Marvel Legends figures, or maybe Star Wars characters are just more squat. The "heroic six inches" as Toy Guru used to call DCUC. So I swapped out the legs (and arms) with some Rose Tico limbs which felt good being able to actually get some use out of an awful character and terrible figure. The head and hair came from two separate Black Widow heads. Besides all that I sanded down the boots to look more like bare legs and swapped out the feet for some bare feet off a Ghostbusters Dana Barrett figure.

And now Jaina looks a little less lonely with every new EU figure I make.

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
MJS1977 -
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
As a long time EU fan, I love so much to see new fans get into and appreciate the characters. Tahiri is one of my favorites as well. You got her down perfect, even the bare feet XD
packerbacker180 -
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Thanks, man. I've looked at some of your stuff for inspiration. I plan on doing more EU characters soon.
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