Spooky Space Kook v2 (Scooby Doo) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11282
Name:Spooky Space Kook v2
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Scooby Doo
Date Added:December 7, 2008
Base Figure:Various MLs
Height:6.00 inches
It's the Kook :D! See recipe at pic #2. Hope you like him guys!

User Comments
SidtheTerminator#1 -
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thats very cool and yet very scary because it looks just like the cartoon.
Shinobitron -
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Like dude thats awesome!
If anybody watches Doctor Who they actually have a monster that identical to the Space Kook.
evanjones1 -
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I made this same guy! Great work!
monsterforge -
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Holy screaming monkey farts! You, sir, have made one extra special custom there. The Space Kook was always my very favoritest Scooby ghost! How, pray tell, did you make the helmet? I figured everything else out from the WIP pic, but I'd like to know where his melon shield comes from. Thanks for sharing this one with us!!!
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